Mariachiara Caschetto
Mariachiara Caschetto
DISAT Università di Milano - Bicocca
在 unimib.it 的电子邮件经过验证
Human alteration of groundwater–surface water interactions (Sagittario River, Central Italy): implication for flow regime, contaminant fate and invertebrate response
M Caschetto, M Barbieri, DMP Galassi, L Mastrorillo, S Rusi, F Stoch, ...
Environmental Earth Sciences 71, 1791-1807, 2014
Nitrogen and sulphur cycling in the saline coastal aquifer of Ferrara, Italy. A multi-isotope approach
M Caschetto, N Colombani, M Mastrocicco, M Petitta, R Aravena
Applied Geochemistry 76, 88-98, 2017
Estimating groundwater residence time and recharge patterns in a saline coastal aquifer
M Caschetto, N Colombani, M Mastrocicco, M Petitta, R Aravena
Hydrological Processes 30 (22), 4202-4213, 2016
Partial nitrification enhances natural attenuation of nitrogen in a septic system plume
M Caschetto, W Robertson, M Petitta, R Aravena
Science of the Total Environment 625, 801-808, 2018
Dual-flow in karst aquifers toward a steady discharge spring (Presciano, Central Italy): influences on a subsurface groundwater dependent ecosystem and on changes related to …
M Petitta, M Caschetto, DMP Galassi, R Aravena
Environmental Earth Sciences 73, 2609-2625, 2015
Linking local natural background levels in groundwater to their generating hydrogeochemical processes in Quaternary alluvial aquifers
C Zanotti, M Caschetto, T Bonomi, M Parini, G Cipriano, L Fumagalli, ...
Science of the Total Environment 805, 150259, 2022
Evaluation of the sources of nitrogen compounds and their influence on the biological communities in the hyporheic zone of the Sagittario River, Italy: an isotopic and …
M Caschetto, DMP Galassi, M Petitta, R Aravena
Italian Journal of Geosciences 136 (2), 145-156, 2017
Groundwater and surface water nitrate pollution in an intensively irrigated system: Sources, dynamics and adaptation to climate change
M Rotiroti, E Sacchi, M Caschetto, C Zanotti, L Fumagalli, M Biasibetti, ...
Journal of Hydrology 623, 129868, 2023
Hydrological, thermal and chemical influence of an intact rock glacier discharge on mountain stream water
F Bearzot, N Colombo, E Cremonese, UM di Cella, E Drigo, M Caschetto, ...
Science of The Total Environment 876, 162777, 2023
The KINDRA project. A tool for sharing Europe’s groundwater research and knowledge
M Petitta, B Bodo, M Caschetto, N Colombani, V Correia, A Csekő, ...
European Geologist 40, 5-8, 2015
Recharge and groundwater flow of the coastal aquifer of Castelporziano Presidential Estate (Rome, Italy)
F Banzato, M Caschetto, A Lacchini, V Marinelli, L Mastrorillo, C Sbarbati
Rendiconti della Società Geologica Italiana 24, 22-24, 2013
A cost-effective method for assessing groundwater well vulnerability to anthropogenic and natural pollution in the framework of water safety plans
C Zanotti, M Rotiroti, M Caschetto, A Redaelli, S Bozza, M Biasibetti, ...
Journal of Hydrology 613, 128473, 2022
Characterization of seasonal groundwater origin and evolution processes in a geologically heterogeneous catchment using geophysical, isotopic and hydro‐chemical techniques …
DW O'Connell, C Rocha, E Daly, R Carrey, M Marchesi, M Caschetto, ...
Hydrological Processes 36 (10), e14706, 2022
Multivariate time series clustering of groundwater quality data to develop data-driven monitoring strategies in a historically contaminated urban area
C Zanotti, M Rotiroti, A Redaelli, M Caschetto, L Fumagalli, C Stano, ...
Water 15 (1), 148, 2022
Ammonium natural attenuation in complex hydrogeological settings. Insights from a multi-isotope approach
M Caschetto
ACQUE SOTTERRANEE 6 (4), 7-13, 2017
Quantifying Groundwater Infiltrations into Subway Lines and Underground Car Parks Using MODFLOW-USG
D Sartirana, C Zanotti, M Rotiroti, M De Amicis, M Caschetto, A Redaelli, ...
Water 14 (24), 4130, 2022
Sulfur stable isotope discrimination in rice: a S isotope mass balance study
V Cavallaro, M Maghrebi, M Caschetto, GA Sacchi, FF Nocito
Frontiers in Plant Science, 521, 2022
Multi-Technique groundwater flow system analysis and dating of deep aquifers in Alessandria Basin (Piedmont-IT)
N Quaranta, E Cogo, A Simoni, E Sacchi, M Caschetto, M Marchesi
Acque Sotterranee-Italian Journal of Groundwater 9 (1), 2020
The KINDRA H2020 Project: a knowledge inventory for hydrogeology research
M Petitta, B Bodo, M Caschetto, V Correia, A Cseko, I Fernandez, E Hartai, ...
Geophysical Research Abstracts; EGU2015-8481; EGU General Assembly: Vienna …, 2015
Climate-related risk assessment in water safety plans: the case study of Acque Bresciane (Italy)
M Biasibetti, E Longhi, S Bozza, C Zanotti, M Rotiroti, L Fumagalli, ...
Journal of Water and Health 22 (1), 97-122, 2024
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