Scott Beatty
Scott Beatty
Founder, CEO at MarineLabs
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Experimental and numerical comparisons of self-reacting point absorber wave energy converters in regular waves
SJ Beatty, M Hall, BJ Buckham, P Wild, B Bocking
Ocean Engineering 104, 370-386, 2015
Non-linear numerical modeling and experimental testing of a point absorber wave energy converter
AS Zurkinden, F Ferri, S Beatty, JP Kofoed, MM Kramer
Ocean Engineering 78, 11-21, 2014
Cellular communications in ocean waves for maritime Internet of Things
Y Huo, X Dong, S Beatty
IEEE Internet of Things Journal 7 (10), 9965-9979, 2020
International energy agency ocean energy systems task 10 wave energy converter modeling verification and validation
FF Wendt, YH Yu, K Nielsen, K Ruehl, T Bunnik, I Touzon, BW Nam, ...
National Renewable Energy Lab.(NREL), Golden, CO (United States), 2017
Integration of a wave energy converter into the electricity supply of a remote Alaskan island
SJ Beatty, P Wild, BJ Buckham
Renewable Energy 35 (6), 1203-1213, 2010
Characterization of loads on a hemispherical point absorber wave energy converter
MM Jakobsen, S Beatty, G Iglesias, MM Kramer
International Journal of Marine Energy 13, 1-15, 2016
Experimental and numerical comparisons of self-reacting point absorber wave energy converters in irregular waves
SJ Beatty, B Bocking, K Bubbar, BJ Buckham, P Wild
Ocean Engineering 173, 716-731, 2019
Frequency response tuning for a two-body heaving wave energy converter
SJ Beatty, BJ Buckham, P Wild
ISOPE International Ocean and Polar Engineering Conference, ISOPE-I-08-007, 2008
Wave energy converter annual energy production uncertainty using simulations
CE Hiles, SJ Beatty, A De Andres
Journal of Marine Science and Engineering 4 (3), 53, 2016
Wave energy converter
NPW Protter, BJ Buckham, SJ Beatty
US Patent 8,013,462, 2011
Power take-off simulation for scale model testing of wave energy converters
S Beatty, F Ferri, B Bocking, JP Kofoed, B Buckham
Energies 10 (7), 973, 2017
Design synthesis of a wave energy converter
SJ Beatty, C Hiles, RS Nicoll, JE Adamson, BJ Buckham
International Conference on Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering 43444 …, 2009
Self-reacting point absorber wave energy converters
SJ Beatty
Methodology to calculate the ACE and HPQ metrics used in the Wave Energy Prize
FR Driscoll, JW Weber, DS Jenne, RW Thresher, LJ Fingersh, D Bull, ...
National Renewable Energy Lab.(NREL), Golden, CO (United States), 2018
Experimental comparison of self-reacting point absorber WEC designs
S Beatty, B Buckham, P Wild
Proceedings of the 10th European Wave and Tidal Conference, EWTEC, Aalborg …, 2013
Sph modeling of hydrodynamic loads on a point absorber wave energy converter hull
S Yeylaghi, B Moa, S Beatty, B Buckham, P Oshkai, C Crawford
Proceedings of the 11th European Wave and Tidal Energy Conference, Nantes …, 2015
Experimental and numerical simulations of moored self-reacting point absorber wave energy converters
SJ Beatty, A Roy, K Bubbar, J Ortiz, BJ Buckham, P Wild, D Stienke, ...
ISOPE International Ocean and Polar Engineering Conference, ISOPE-I-15-762, 2015
Analysis and development of a three body heaving wave energy converter
S Beatty
Application of an arbitrary mesh interface for cfd simulation of an oscillating wave energy converter
V Mishra, S Beatty, B Buckham, P Oshkai, C Crawford
Proc. 11th Eur. Wave Tidal Energy Conf, 07B141-07B1410, 2015
Modeling, design and testing of a two-body heaving wave energy converter
SJ Beatty, BJ Buckham, P Wild
ISOPE International Ocean and Polar Engineering Conference, ISOPE-I-07-286, 2007
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