Kevin McElhaney
Kevin McElhaney
Director, Digital Promise
在 digitalpromise.org 的电子邮件经过验证
Evidence for effective uses of dynamic visualisations in science curriculum materials
KW McElhaney, HY Chang, JL Chiu, MC Linn
Studies in Science Education 51 (1), 49-85, 2015
C2STEM: A system for synergistic learning of physics and computational thinking
NM Hutchins, G Biswas, M Maróti, Á Lédeczi, S Grover, R Wolf, KP Blair, ...
Journal of Science Education and Technology 29, 83-100, 2020
Can desirable difficulties overcome deceptive clarity in scientific visualizations
MC Linn, HY Chang, J Chiu, H Zhang, K McElhaney
Successful remembering and successful forgetting: A Festschrift in honor of …, 2010
Computer-guided inquiry to improve science learning
MC Linn, L Gerard, K Ryoo, K McElhaney, OL Liu, AN Rafferty
Science 344 (6180), 155-156, 2014
Investigations of a complex, realistic task: Intentional, unsystematic, and exhaustive experimenters
KW McElhaney, MC Linn
Journal of Research in Science Teaching 48 (7), 745-770, 2011
Automated, adaptive guidance for K-12 education
L Gerard, C Matuk, K McElhaney, MC Linn
Educational Research Review 15, 41-58, 2015
Constructing assessment tasks that blend disciplinary core ideas, crosscutting concepts, and science practices for classroom formative applications
CJ Harris, JS Krajcik, JW Pellegrino, KW McElhaney
Menlo Park, CA: SRI International, 2016
Science education: From separation to integration
MC Linn, L Gerard, C Matuk, KW McElhaney
Review of Research in Education 40 (1), 529-587, 2016
Automated guidance for student inquiry.
LF Gerard, K Ryoo, KW McElhaney, OL Liu, AN Rafferty, MC Linn
Journal of Educational Psychology 108 (1), 60, 2016
Studying the interactions between science, engineering, and computational thinking in a learning-by-modeling environment
N Zhang, G Biswas, KW McElhaney, S Basu, E McBride, JL Chiu
Artificial Intelligence in Education: 21st International Conference, AIED …, 2020
Impacts of students’ experimentation using a dynamic visualization on their understanding of motion
K McElhaney, M Linn
International Society of the Learning Sciences, Inc., 2008
Using the Idea Manager to promote coherent understanding of inquiry investigations
K McElhaney, C Matuk, D Miller, M Linn
International Society of the Learning Sciences (ISLS), 2012
Helping students make controlled experiments more informative
K McElhaney, M Linn
International Society of the Learning Sciences (ISLS), 2010
Investigation of moisture-assisted fracture in SiO2 films using a channel cracking technique
KW McElhaney, Q Ma
Acta Materialia 52 (12), 3621-3629, 2004
The role of collective sensemaking and science curriculum development within a research–practice partnership
SL Marshall, CR Nazar, A Ibourk, KW McElhaney
Science Education 105 (6), 1202-1228, 2021
A principled approach to NGSS-aligned curriculum development integrating science, engineering, and computation: A pilot study
J Chiu, KW McElhaney, N Zhang, G Biswas, R Fried, S Basu, N Alozie
NARST annual international conference, 2019
A principled approach to designing assessments that integrate science and computational thinking
S Basu, KW McElhaney, S Grover, CJ Harris, G Biswas
13th International Conference of the Learning Sciences (ICLS) 1, 2018
Inquiry learning and opportunities for technology
MC Linn, KW McElhaney, L Gerard, C Matuk
International handbook of the learning sciences, 221-233, 2018
Using computational modeling to integrate science and engineering curricular activities
KW McElhaney, N Zhang, S Basu, E McBride, G Biswas, JL Chiu
In M. Gresalfi & IS Horn (Eds.). The Interdisciplinarity of the Learning …, 2020
Elementary teachers' verbal supports of science and engineering practices in an NGSS‐aligned science, engineering, and computational thinking unit
S Lilly, AM McAlister, SJ Fick, JL Chiu, KW McElhaney
Journal of Research in Science Teaching 59 (6), 1035-1064, 2022
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