John Mark Dangerfield
John Mark Dangerfield
Alloporus Environmental
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Interactions between Aboveground and Belowground Biodiversity in Terrestrial Ecosystems: Patterns, Mechanisms, and Feedbacks: We assess the evidence for correlation between …
DU Hooper, DE Bignell, VK Brown, L Brussard, JM Dangerfield, DH Wall, ...
Bioscience 50 (12), 1049-1061, 2000
Spatial scaling of microbial eukaryote diversity
JL Green, AJ Holmes, M Westoby, I Oliver, D Briscoe, M Dangerfield, ...
Nature 432 (7018), 747-750, 2004
Global decomposition experiment shows soil animal impacts on decomposition are climate‐dependent
DH Wall, MA Bradford, MG ST. JOHN, JA Trofymow, V Behan‐Pelletier, ...
Global Change Biology 14 (11), 2661-2677, 2008
The mound-building termite Macrotermes michaelseni as an ecosystem engineer
JM Dangerfield, TS McCarthy, WN Ellery
Journal of tropical Ecology 14 (4), 507-520, 1998
Effects of Global Changes on Above-and Belowground Biodiversity in Terrestrial Ecosystems: Implications for Ecosystem Functioning: We identify the basic types of interaction …
V Wolters, WL Silver, DE Bignell, DC Coleman, P Lavelle, ...
Bioscience 50 (12), 1089-1098, 2000
The role of biota in the initiation and growth of islands on the floodplain of the Okavango alluvial fan, Botswana
TS Mccarthy, WN Ellery, JM Dangerfield
Earth Surface Processes and Landforms: The Journal of the British …, 1998
Abundance, biomass and diversity of soil macrofauna in savanna woodland and associated managed habitats.
JM Dangerfield
Seasonal activity patterns of julid millipedes in Zimbabwe
JM Dangerfield, SR Telford
Journal of tropical ecology 7 (2), 281-285, 1991
Mating tactics in the tropical millipede Alloporus uncinatus (Diplopoda: Spirostreptidae)
SR Telford, JM Dangerfield
Behaviour 124 (1-2), 45-56, 1993
Patterns of invertebrate biodiversity across a natural edge
JM Dangerfield, AJ Pik, D Britton, A Holmes, M Gillings, IAN Oliver, ...
Austral Ecology 28 (3), 227-236, 2003
Land systems as surrogates for biodiversity in conservation planning
I Oliver, A Holmes, JM Dangerfield, M Gillings, AJ Pik, DR Britton, ...
Ecological Applications 14 (2), 485-503, 2004
Sex in millipedes: Laboratory studies on sexual selection
SR Telford, JM Dangerfield
Journal of Biological Education 24 (4), 233-238, 1990
Manipulation of the sex ratio and duration of copulation in the tropical millipede Alloporus uncinatus: a test of the copulatory guarding hypothesis
SR Telford, JM Dangerfield
Animal Behaviour 40 (5), 984-986, 1990
Ecosystem tourism: A resource-based philosophy for ecotourism
D Tyler, JM Dangerfield
Journal of sustainable tourism 7 (2), 146-158, 1999
Seasonal activity patterns and behaviour of juliform millipedes in south-eastern Botswana
JM Dangerfield, AE Milner, R Matthews
Journal of tropical ecology 8 (4), 451-464, 1992
Mating behaviour and mate choice experiments in some tropical millipedes (Diplopoda: Spirostreptidae)
SR Telford, JM Dangerfield
African Zoology 28 (3), 1993
The use of invertebrates to detect small-scale habitat heterogeneity and its application to restoration practices
AJ Pik, JM Dangerfield, RA Bramble, C Angus, DA Nipperess
Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 75, 179-199, 2002
Males control the duration of copulation in the tropical millipede Alloporus uncinatus (Diplopoda: Julida)
SR Telford, JM Dangerfield
African Zoology 29 (4), 1994
Density-dependent processes in the population dynamics of Armadillidium vulgare (Isopoda: Oniscidae)
M Hassall, JM Dangerfield
The Journal of Animal Ecology, 941-958, 1990
Ant community succession within eucalypt plantations on used pasture and implications for taxonomic sufficiency in biomonitoring
MR Schnell, AJ Pik, JM Dangerfield
Austral Ecology 28 (5), 553-565, 2003
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