Taking stock of networks and organizations: A multilevel perspective DJ Brass, J Galaskiewicz, HR Greve, W Tsai Academy of management journal 47 (6), 795-817, 2004 | 3899 | 2004 |
A behavioral theory of R&D expenditures and innovations: Evidence from shipbuilding HR Greve Academy of management journal 46 (6), 685-702, 2003 | 1934 | 2003 |
Performance, aspirations, and risky organizational change HR Greve Administrative Science Quarterly, 58-86, 1998 | 1816 | 1998 |
Corporate elite networks and governance changes in the 1980s GF Davis, HR Greve American journal of sociology 103 (1), 1-37, 1997 | 1618 | 1997 |
Organizational learning from performance feedback: A behavioral perspective on innovation and change HR Greve Cambridge University Press, 2003 | 1418 | 2003 |
Superman or the fantastic four? Knowledge combination and experience in innovative teams A Taylor, HR Greve Academy of management Journal 49 (4), 723-740, 2006 | 1363 | 2006 |
The behavioral theory of the firm: Assessment and prospects G Gavetti, HR Greve, DA Levinthal, W Ocasio Academy of Management Annals 6 (1), 1-40, 2012 | 950 | 2012 |
A Behavioral Theory of the Firm—40 Years and Counting: Introduction and Impact L Argote, HR Greve Organization science 18 (3), 337-349, 2007 | 947 | 2007 |
Less likely to fail: Low performance, firm size, and factory expansion in the shipbuilding industry PG Audia, HR Greve Management science 52 (1), 83-94, 2006 | 877 | 2006 |
Organizations gone wild: The causes, processes, and consequences of organizational misconduct HR Greve, D Palmer, JE Pozner Academy of Management annals 4 (1), 53-107, 2010 | 808 | 2010 |
Exploration and exploitation in product innovation HR Greve Industrial and corporate change 16 (5), 945-975, 2007 | 775 | 2007 |
Fool's gold: Social proof in the initiation and abandonment of coverage by Wall Street analysts H Rao, HR Greve, GF Davis Administrative science quarterly 46 (3), 502-526, 2001 | 771 | 2001 |
A behavioral theory of firm growth: Sequential attention to size and performance goals HR Greve Academy of Management Journal 51 (3), 476-494, 2008 | 743 | 2008 |
An evolutionary model of organizational performance WP Barnett, HR Greve, DY Park Strategic management journal 15 (S1), 11-28, 1994 | 651 | 1994 |
Managerial cognition and the mimetic adoption of market positions: What you see is what you do HR Greve Strategic management journal 19 (10), 967-988, 1998 | 541 | 1998 |
Innovations as catalysts for organizational change: Shifts in organizational cognition and search HR Greve, A Taylor Administrative Science Quarterly 45 (1), 54-80, 2000 | 481 | 2000 |
Patterns of competition: The diffusion of a market position in radio broadcasting HR Greve Administrative science quarterly, 29-60, 1996 | 463 | 1996 |
Jumping ship: The diffusion of strategy abandonment HR Greve Administrative Science Quarterly, 444-473, 1995 | 454 | 1995 |
Undeserved loss: The spread of legitimacy loss to innocent organizations in response to reported corporate deviance S Jonsson, HR Greve, T Fujiwara-Greve Administrative Science Quarterly 54 (2), 195-228, 2009 | 447 | 2009 |
A matching theory of alliance formation and organizational success: Complementarity and compatibility H Mitsuhashi, HR Greve Academy of management journal 52 (5), 975-995, 2009 | 441 | 2009 |