Sattarov Khurshid Abdishukurovich
Sattarov Khurshid Abdishukurovich
Tashkent university of information technologies named after Muhammad al-KHwarizmi
在 tuit.uz 的电子邮件经过验证
Research of transforming circuits of electromagnets sensor with distributed parameters
I Siddikov, K Sattarov, AB Abubakirov, M Anarbaev, I Khonturaev, ...
10 th International Symposium on intelegent Manufacturing and Service …, 2019
Modeling of the transformation elements of power sources control
IK Siddikov, KA Sattarov, KE Khujamatov
2017 International Conference on Information Science and Communications …, 2017
The static characteristics of primary current transducers of current of specific electrical loads of renewable power sources
IK Siddikov, KA Sattarov, AA Abdumalikov
AIP Conference Proceedings 2612 (1), 2023
Issues of investigation of the dependence of static characteristics of magnetoelastic converters of mechanical quantities on the influence of external
K Jurayeva, K Sattarov
E3S Web of Conferences 389, 01060, 2023
Modeling of magnetic circuits of electromagnetic transducers of the three-phases current
I Siddikov, K Sattarov, K Khujamatov, O Dekhkonov, M Agzamova
2018 XIV International Scientific-Technical Conference on Actual Problems of …, 2018
A device for detecting current asymmetry in a three-phase alternating current system
K Sattarov, A Safarov, A Kamolov, M Egamberdiev, G Raxmanova
E3S Web of Conferences 383, 01028, 2023
Experimental research of magnetic circuits of current converters taking into account the nonlinearity of magnetic characteristics
AM Safarov, KA Sattarov, AM Mustafoqulov, YY Shoyimov
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 2176 (1), 012006, 2022
Issues of the electromagnetic current transformers searching projecting
A Safarov, K Sattarov, M Bazarov, A Mustafoqulov
E3S Web of Conferences 264, 05038, 2021
Modeling and research of circuitsof intelligent sensors and measurement systemswith distributed parameters and values.
I Siddikov, K Sattarov, H Khujamatov
Chemical Technology, Control and Management 2018 (3), 50-54, 2018
Research of the influence of nonlinear primary magnetization curves of magnetic circuits of electromagnetic transducers of the three-phases current
IK Siddikov, KA Sattarov, KE Khujamatov
Universal Journal of Electrical and Electronic Engineering. Horizon Research …, 2016
Device for conversion of equalizing current at the site of the traction ac network
A Safarov, K Sattarov, S Jumaboyev
E3S Web of Conferences 139, 01034, 2019
Modeling the processes in magnetic circuits of electromagnetic transdusers
IK Siddikov, KA Sattarov, KE Khujamatov, OR Dekhkonov
International Conference on Information Science and Communications …, 2016
Modeling of the processes in magnetic circuits of electromagnetic transdusers
SI Khakimovich, SK Abdishukurovich, DO Ravshanovich, KK Ergashevich
2016 International Conference on Information Science and Communications …, 2016
Improving efficiency in a distribution network with asymmetric load due to connected solar panels with a phase relationship
K Sattarov, M Sapayev, A Suyarov, A Turaev
E3S Web of Conferences 401, 04001, 2023
Model and device for measuring the parameters of the technological radio communication network in the “on-line” mode in the signaling and communication laboratory wagon
JF Kurbanov, KA Sattarov, NV Yaronova, NF Xusnidinova
2020 International Conference on Information Science and Communications …, 2020
Modeling of the elements and devices of energy control systems
IK Siddikov, KA Sattarov, KE Khujamatov, KS Sherjanova
Materials of the XII MNTK “Prospects for the development of the building …, 2018
Equipment and software for energy supply monitoring and control process
I Siddikov, M Sobirov, A Abdumalikov, K Sattarov
2021 International Conference on Information Science and Communications …, 2021
Device for detection of the phase current asymmetry in the three-phase lines of non-traction consumers
AM Safarov, SK Jumaboyev, KA Sattarov
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 734 (1), 012196, 2020
Mathematical modeling of static characteristics of electromagnetic current converter to detect current asymmetry of the traction power supply system
SA Malikovich, SK Abdishukurovich, JS Khamrayevich
2019 International Conference on Information Science and Communications …, 2019
Developing logical steps to integrate technical university students into the virtual reality laboratory learning environment
N Kurbonov, K Sattarov, S Latipov, S Sayfiev
E3S Web of Conferences 461, 01098, 2023
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