Young Min Baek
Young Min Baek
Researcher, Yonsei University
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Social and parasocial relationships on social network sites and their differential relationships with users' psychological well-being
YM Baek, Y Bae, H Jang
Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking 16 (7), 512-517, 2013
Online versus face-to-face deliberation: Who? Why? What? With what effects?
YM Baek, M Wojcieszak, MX Delli Carpini
New media & society 14 (3), 363-383, 2012
Two faces of social comparison on Facebook: The interplay between social comparison orientation, emotions, and psychological well-being
SY Park, YM Baek
Computers in Human Behavior 79, 83-93, 2018
To buy or not to buy: Who are political consumers? What do they think and how do they participate?
YM Baek
Political Studies 58 (5), 1065-1086, 2010
Cross-cultural comparison of nonverbal cues in emoticons on Twitter: Evidence from big data analysis
J Park, YM Baek, M Cha
Journal of communication 64 (2), 333-354, 2014
When information from public health officials is untrustworthy: The use of online news, interpersonal networks, and social media during the MERS outbreak in South Korea
K Jang, YM Baek
Health communication 34 (9), 991-998, 2019
My privacy is okay, but theirs is endangered: Why comparative optimism matters in online privacy concerns
YM Baek, E Kim, Y Bae
Computers in Human Behavior 31, 48-56, 2014
Don’t expect too much! Learning from late-night comedy and knowledge item difficulty
YM Baek, ME Wojcieszak
Communication Research 36 (6), 783-809, 2009
Solving the privacy paradox: A counter-argument experimental approach
YM Baek
Computers in human behavior 38, 33-42, 2014
Political mobilization through social network sites: The mobilizing power of political messages received from SNS friends
YM Baek
Computers in Human Behavior 44, 12-19, 2015
Focusing the mediating role of institutional trust: How does interpersonal trust promote organizational commitment?
YM Baek, CS Jung
The Social Science Journal 52 (4), 481-489, 2015
Swiping for trouble: Problematic dating application use among psychosocially distraught individuals and the paths to negative outcomes
KD Coduto, RJ Lee-Won, YM Baek
Journal of Social and Personal Relationships 37 (1), 212-232, 2020
An integrative model of ambivalence
YM Baek
The Social Science Journal 47 (3), 609-629, 2010
Deliberative and participatory democracy? Ideological strength and the processes leading from deliberation to political engagement
ME Wojcieszak, YM Baek, MXD Carpini
International Journal of Public Opinion Research 22 (2), 154-180, 2010
Character region attention for text spotting
Y Baek, S Shin, J Baek, S Park, J Lee, D Nam, H Lee
Computer Vision–ECCV 2020: 16th European Conference, Glasgow, UK, August 23 …, 2020
Fake news should be regulated because it influences both “others” and “me”: How and why the influence of presumed influence model should be extended
YM Baek, H Kang, S Kim
Mass Communication and Society 22 (3), 301-323, 2019
Attachment style and its influence on the activities, motives, and consequences of SNS use
YM Baek, Y Cho, H Kim
Journal of Broadcasting & Electronic Media 58 (4), 522-541, 2014
Relationship between cultural distance and cross-cultural music video consumption on YouTube
YM Baek
Social Science Computer Review 33 (6), 730-748, 2015
Cultural values and cross-cultural video consumption on YouTube
M Park, J Park, YM Baek, M Macy
PLoS one 12 (5), e0177865, 2017
Online news diffusion dynamics and public opinion formation: A case study of the controversy over judges’ personal opinion expression on SNS in Korea
K Kim, YM Baek, N Kim
The Social Science Journal 52 (2), 205-216, 2015
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