Emily Daubert
Emily Daubert
在 hawaii.edu 的电子邮件经过验证
Domain-specific and domain-general training to improve kindergarten children’s mathematics
GB Ramani, SM Jaeggi, EN Daubert, M Buschkuehl
Journal of Numerical Cognition 3 (2), 468-495, 2017
Narrowing the early mathematics gap: A play-based intervention to promote low-income preschoolers’ number skills
NR Scalise, EN Daubert, GB Ramani
Journal of Numerical Cognition 3 (3), 559, 2017
Racing dragons and remembering aliens: Benefits of playing number and working memory games on kindergartners' numerical knowledge
GB Ramani, EN Daubert, GC Lin, S Kamarsu, A Wodzinski, SM Jaeggi
Developmental science 23 (4), e12908, 2020
“Tap space number three”: Promoting math talk during parent-child tablet play.
EL Zippert, EN Daubert, NR Scalise, GD Noreen, GB Ramani
Developmental Psychology 55 (8), 1605, 2019
Benefits of playing numerical card games on head start children’s mathematical skills
NR Scalise, EN Daubert, GB Ramani
The journal of experimental education 88 (2), 200-220, 2020
Math and memory in bilingual preschoolers: The relations between bilingualism, working memory, and numerical knowledge
EN Daubert, GB Ramani
Journal of Cognition and Development 20 (3), 314-333, 2019
Role of play and games in building children's foundational numerical knowledge
GB Ramani, EN Daubert, NR Scalise
Cognitive foundations for improving mathematical learning, 69-90, 2019
Pedagogical questions promote causal learning in preschoolers
EN Daubert, Y Yu, M Grados, P Shafto, E Bonawitz
Scientific reports 10 (1), 20700, 2020
Play-based learning and social development
EN Daubert, GB Ramani, KH Rubin
Encyclopedia on Early Childhood Development, 149-254, 2018
Sum thing to talk about: Caregiver-preschooler math talk in low-income families from the United States
E Daubert, GB Ramani, ML Rowe, SH Eason, K Leech
Bordón: Revista de pedagogía 70 (3), 115-130, 2018
When one size does not fit all: A latent profile analysis of low-income preschoolers’ math skills
NR Scalise, EN Daubert, GB Ramani
Journal of experimental child psychology 209, 105156, 2021
Pedagogical questions empower exploration
A Jean, E Daubert, Y Yu, P Shafto, E Bonawitz
Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society, 2019
El aprendizaje basado en el juego, y el desarrollo social. 1–6
E Daubert, G Ramani, K Rubin
Guided discovery activities supporting mathematical understanding in children
E Daubert
The influence of same-and cross-age peers on children's literacy and mathematical development
GB Ramani, E Zippert, E Daubert
Handbook of social influences in school contexts, 96-112, 2016
Sum thing to talk about: caregiver-preschooler math talk in low-income families from the united states/Algo matemático de que hablar: conversaciones de matemáticas entre …
E Duabert, G Ramani, M Rowe, S Eason, K Leech
Bordón Revista de Pedagogía 70 (3), 115-130, 2018
Guided Playful Learning: Developmental, Computational, and Educational Perspectives
EN Daubert, P Shafto
41st Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society: Creativity+ Cognition+ …, 2019
Algo matemático de que hablar: conversaciones matemáticas entre cuidadores y preescolares en familias de bajos ingresos en los Estados Unidos
EN Daubert, ML Rowe, SH Eason, KA Leech, GB Ramani
Bordón: revista de pedagogía, 2018
The Role of Bilingualism and Working Memory on Early Math Development in Preschoolers
EN Daubert, N Silverman, GB Ramani
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