Kalman filter-based algorithms for estimating depth from image sequences L Matthies, T Kanade, R Szeliski International Journal of Computer Vision 3 (3), 209-238, 1989 | 1093 | 1989 |
Two years of visual odometry on the mars exploration rovers M Maimone, Y Cheng, L Matthies Journal of Field Robotics 24 (3), 169-186, 2007 | 969 | 2007 |
Error modeling in stereo navigation L Matthies, S Shafer IEEE Journal on Robotics and Automation 3 (3), 239-248, 1987 | 837 | 1987 |
Obstacle detection and terrain classification for autonomous off-road navigation R Manduchi, A Castano, A Talukder, L Matthies Autonomous robots 18, 81-102, 2005 | 693 | 2005 |
Stereo vision and rover navigation software for planetary exploration SB Goldberg, MW Maimone, L Matthies Proceedings, IEEE aerospace conference 5, 5-5, 2002 | 595 | 2002 |
Vision-aided inertial navigation for spacecraft entry, descent, and landing AI Mourikis, N Trawny, SI Roumeliotis, AE Johnson, A Ansar, L Matthies IEEE Transactions on Robotics 25 (2), 264-280, 2009 | 451 | 2009 |
Rover navigation using stereo ego-motion CF Olson, LH Matthies, M Schoppers, MW Maimone Robotics and Autonomous Systems 43 (4), 215-229, 2003 | 367 | 2003 |
Stereo vision for planetary rovers: Stochastic modeling to near real-time implementation L Matthies International Journal of Computer Vision 8 (1), 71-91, 1992 | 363 | 1992 |
First-person activity recognition: What are they doing to me? MS Ryoo, L Matthies Proceedings of the IEEE conference on computer vision and pattern …, 2013 | 355 | 2013 |
Integration of sonar and stereo range data using a grid-based representation L Matthies, A Elfes Proceedings. 1988 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation …, 1988 | 330 | 1988 |
Sliding window filter with application to planetary landing G Sibley, L Matthies, G Sukhatme Journal of field robotics 27 (5), 587-608, 2010 | 321 | 2010 |
Visual odometry on the mars exploration rovers Y Cheng, M Maimone, L Matthies 2005 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics 1, 903-910, 2005 | 314 | 2005 |
Terrain perception for DEMO III P Bellutta, R Manduchi, L Matthies, K Owens, A Rankin Proceedings of the IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium 2000 (Cat. No …, 2000 | 302 | 2000 |
Computer vision on Mars L Matthies, M Maimone, A Johnson, Y Cheng, R Willson, C Villalpando, ... International Journal of Computer Vision 75, 67-92, 2007 | 299 | 2007 |
Visual odometry on the Mars exploration rovers-a tool to ensure accurate driving and science imaging Y Cheng, MW Maimone, L Matthies IEEE Robotics & Automation Magazine 13 (2), 54-62, 2006 | 279 | 2006 |
Path relaxation: Path planning for a mobile robot C Thorpe, L Matthies OCEANS 1984, 576-581, 1984 | 275 | 1984 |
A portable, autonomous, urban reconnaissance robot L Matthies, Y Xiong, R Hogg, D Zhu, A Rankin, B Kennedy, M Hebert, ... Robotics and Autonomous Systems 40 (2-3), 163-172, 2002 | 249 | 2002 |
Dynamic stereo vision LH Matthies Carnegie Mellon University, 1989 | 241 | 1989 |
Mars microrover navigation: Performance evaluation and enhancement L Matthies, E Gat, R Harrison, B Wilcox, R Volpe, T Litwin Autonomous robots 2, 291-311, 1995 | 232 | 1995 |
Pooled motion features for first-person videos MS Ryoo, B Rothrock, L Matthies Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern …, 2015 | 229 | 2015 |