Royal Statuary of early dynastic Mesopotamia G Marchesi, N Marchetti Penn State Press, 2011 | 156 | 2011 |
Cultic Activities in the Sacred Area of Ishtar at Ebla during the Old Syrian Period: The Favissae F.5327 and F.5238 N Marchetti, L Nigro Journal of Cuneiform Studies 49 (1), 1-44, 1997 | 72 | 1997 |
Ebla and Its Landscape: Early State Formation in the Ancient Near East P Matthiae, N Marchetti Routledge, 2016 | 47 | 2016 |
Karkemish N Marchetti An ancient capital on the Euphrates. OrientLab 2, 2014 | 44 | 2014 |
Karkemish on the Euphrates: excavating a city’s history N Marchetti Near Eastern Archaeology 75 (3), 132-147, 2012 | 42 | 2012 |
A multi-scalar approach for assessing the impact of dams on the cultural heritage in the Middle East and North Africa N Marchetti, A Curci, MC Gatto, S Nicolini, S Mühl, F Zaina Journal of Cultural Heritage 37, 17-28, 2019 | 40 | 2019 |
NEARCHOS. Networked archaeological open science: advances in archaeology through field analytics and scientific community sharing N Marchetti, I Angelini, G Artioli, G Benati, G Bitelli, A Curci, G Marfia, ... Journal of Archaeological Research 26, 447-469, 2018 | 39 | 2018 |
The favissa F. 5238 in the sacred area of Ishtar and the transition from the Middle Bronze I to the Middle Bronze II at Ebla N Marchetti, L Nigro Va n Lerberghe, K., Voet, G.(Eds.), Orientalia Loveniensia Analecta 96, 245-287, 1999 | 26 | 1999 |
Middle Bronze Age Public Achitecture at Tilmen Hoyuk and the Architectural Tradition of Old Syrian Palaces N Marchetti ina kibrat erbetti. Studi di Archeologia orientale dedicati a Paolo Matthiae …, 2006 | 24 | 2006 |
Archaeology and dams in southeastern turkey: Post-flooding damage assessment and safeguarding strategies on cultural heritage N Marchetti, G Bitelli, F Franci, F Zaina Journal of Mediterranean Archaeology 33 (1), 29-54, 2020 | 22 | 2020 |
A stele by Suhi I from Karkemish A Dinçol, B Dinçol, JD Hawkins, N Marchetti, H Peker Orientalia 83 (2), 143-153, 2014 | 22 | 2014 |
La statuaria regale nella Mesopotamia protodinastica N Marchetti Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei, 2006 | 21 | 2006 |
Clay Figurines of the Middle Bronze Age from Northern Inner Syria: Chronology, Symbolic Meaning and Historical Relationsi N Marchetti | 21 | 2000 |
Handicraft production, secondary food transformation and Storage in the Public Building P4 at EB IVA Ebla N Marchetti, L Nigro Berytus 42, 9-36, 1995 | 21 | 1995 |
The rise of urbanized landscapes in Mesopotamia: The QADIS integrated survey results and the interpretation of multi-layered historical landscapes N Marchetti, A Al-Hussainy, G Benati, G Luglio, G Scazzosi, M Valeri, ... Zeitschrift für Assyriologie und vorderasiatische Archäologie 109 (2), 214-237, 2019 | 20 | 2019 |
Kinku. Sigilli dell'età del Bronzo dalla regione di Gaziantep in Turchia N Marchetti Ante quem, 2011 | 20 | 2011 |
The 2014 Joint Turco-Italian Excavations at Karkemish N MARCHETTI 37. kazı sonuçları toplantısı, 11-15 mayıs 2015, Erzurum, 3. cilt, 363-380, 2016 | 19 | 2016 |
The Stele of Kubaba by Kamani and the Kings of Karkemish in the 9th Century BC N Marchetti, H Peker Zeitschrift für Assyriologie und vorderasiatische Archäologie 108 (1), 81-99, 2018 | 18 | 2018 |
La coroplastica eblaita e siriana nel Bronzo medio: Missione Archeologica Italiana in Siria; campagne 1964-1980 N Marchetti Università degli studi di Roma La Sapienza, 2001 | 18 | 2001 |
Chronology and Stratification of Middle Bronze Age Clay Figurines in Syria and Northern Palestine N Marchetti Proceedings of the International Colloquium From Relative Chronology to …, 2007 | 16 | 2007 |