Sukanya Ghosh
Room Temperature Spin-Valve with van der Waals Ferromagnet Fe5GeTe2/Graphene Heterostructure
B Zhao, R Ngaloy, S Ghosh, S Ershadrad, R Gupta, K Ali, MA Hoque, ...
Advanced Materials, 2023
Structural and magnetic response of CrI3 monolayer to electric field
S Ghosh, N Stojić, N Binggeli
Physica B: Condensed Matter 570, 166-171, 2019
Unusual Magnetic Features in Two-Dimensional Fe5GeTe2 Induced by Structural Reconstructions
S Ershadrad*, S Ghosh*, D Wang, Y Kvashnin, B Sanyal
The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters 13, 4877-4883, 2022
Selective control of molecule charge state on graphene using tip-induced electric field and nitrogen doping
VD Pham*, S Ghosh*, F Joucken, M Pelaez-Fernandez, V Repain, ...
npj 2D Materials and Applications 3 (1), 1-5, 2019
Descriptor-based rational design of two-dimensional self-assembled nanoarchitectures stabilized by hydrogen bonds
S Ghosh*, P Zalake*, S Narasimhan, KG Thomas
Chemistry of Materials 29 (17), 7170-7182, 2017
Unraveling effects of electron correlation in two-dimensional FenGeTe2 (n=3, 4, 5) by dynamical mean field theory
S Ghosh, S Ershadrad, V Borisov, B Sanyal
npj Computational Materials 9 (1), 86, 2023
Comment on “Magnetic skyrmions in atomic thin CrI3 monolayer”[Appl. Phys. Lett. 114, 232402 (2019)]
S Ghosh, N Stojić, N Binggeli
Applied Physics Letters 116 (8), 2020
Overcoming the asymmetry of the electron and hole doping for magnetic transitions in bilayer CrI3
S Ghosh, N Stojić, N Binggeli
Nanoscale 13 (20), 9391-9401, 2021
Descriptor for the efficacy of aliovalent doping of oxides and its application for the charging of supported Au clusters
S Ghosh, N Mammen, S Narasimhan
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 123 (32), 19794-19805, 2019
Rashba-induced spin texture and spin-layer-locking effects in the antiferromagnetic CrI3 bilayer
S Ghosh, N Stojić, N Binggeli
Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids 173, 111100, 2023
Support work function as a descriptor and predictor for the charge and morphology of deposited Au nanoparticles
S Ghosh, N Mammen, S Narasimhan
The Journal of Chemical Physics 152 (14), 2020
Spin-polarized two-dimensional electron/hole gas at the interface of nonmagnetic semiconducting half-Heusler compounds: Modified Slater-Pauling rule for half-metallicity at the …
E Gürbüz, G Ghosh, E Şaşıoğlu, I Galanakis, B Mertig, Ingrid and Sanyal
Phys. Rev. Materials 7 (5), 054405, 2023
Tailoring magnetic anisotropy in ultrathin cobalt by surface carbon chemistry
CA Brondin, S Ghosh, S Debnath, F Genuzio, P Genoni, M Jugovac, ...
Advanced Electronic Materials, 2300579, 2024
Chirality and Rashba-related effects in the spin texture of a 2D centro-symmetric ferromagnet: the case of CrI3 bilayer
S Ghosh, N Stojic, N Binggeli
arXiv:2206.10777, 2022
Spin-gapped metals: A novel class of materials -- the case of semi-Heusler compounds
E Sasioglu, M Tas, S Ghosh, W Beida, B Sanyal, S Blugel, I Mertig, ...
arXiv:2403.00936 1, 2024
Structural Distortion and Dynamical Electron Correlation Driven Enhanced Ferromagnetism in Ni-Doped Two-Dimensional Fe5GeTe2 Beyond Room Temperature
S Ghosh, S Ershadrad, B Sanyal
2D Materials, 2024
Valley polarization and photocurrent generation in transition metal dichalcogenide alloy MoS2xSe2(1-x)
C Nayak, S Masanta, S Ghosh, S Moulick, I Pal, Atindra Nath, Bose, ...
Physical Review B 109 (11), 115304(12), 2024
Spin-glass states generated in van der Waals magnet Cr2Ge2Te6 by alkali-ion intercalation
S Khan, ESY Aw, LAV Nagle-Cocco, A Sud, S Ghosh, MKB Subhan
arXiv:2312.17554 1, 2023
Valley polarization and photocurrent generation in transition metal dichalcogenide alloy MoS2xSe2(1−x)
N Chumki, S Masanta, S Ghosh, S Moulick, AN Pal, I Bose, A Singha
arXiv:2310.13924, 2023
Microscopic Insights for Beyond Room-Temperature Ferromagnetism in Ni doped Two-Dimensional Fe5GTe2
S Ghosh, S Ershadrad, B Sanyal
arXiv:2305.04366, 2023
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