Laurel Hourani
Laurel Hourani
在 rti.org 的电子邮件经过验证
Department of Defense survey of health related behaviors among active duty military personnel
RM Bray, MR Pemberton, LL Hourani, M Witt, KL Olmsted, JM Brown, ...
Research Triangle Park, NC: RTI International, 2009
Substance use and mental health trends among US military active duty personnel: key findings from the 2008 DoD Health Behavior Survey
RM Bray, MR Pemberton, ME Lane, LL Hourani, MJ Mattiko, LA Babeu
Military medicine 175 (6), 390-399, 2010
Department of Defense survey of health related behaviors among military personnel
RM Bray, LL Hourani, KL Rae, JA Dever, JM Brown, AA Vincus, ...
Research Triangle Park, 2002
Substance use trends among active duty military personnel: findings from the United States Department of Defense Health Related Behavior Surveys, 1980–2005
RM Bray, LL Hourani
Addiction 102 (7), 1092-1101, 2007
Stress, mental health, and job performance among active duty military personnel: findings from the 2002 Department of Defense Health-Related Behaviors Survey
LL Hourani, TV Williams, AM Kress
Military medicine 171 (9), 849-856, 2006
Gender differences in the expression of PTSD symptoms among active duty military personnel
L Hourani, J Williams, R Bray, D Kandel
Journal of anxiety disorders 29, 101-108, 2015
Prevalence of perceived stress and mental health indicators among reserve-component and active-duty military personnel
ME Lane, LL Hourani, RM Bray, J Williams
American journal of public health 102 (6), 1213-1220, 2012
Longitudinal study of resilience and mental health in marines leaving military service
L Hourani, RH Bender, B Weimer, R Peeler, M Bradshaw, M Lane, ...
Journal of affective disorders 139 (2), 154-165, 2012
Influence of spirituality on depression, posttraumatic stress disorder, and suicidality in active duty military personnel
LL Hourani, J Williams, V Forman-Hoffman, ME Lane, B Weimer, RM Bray
Depression research and treatment 2012 (1), 425463, 2012
Relaxation training assisted by heart rate variability biofeedback: Implication for a military predeployment stress inoculation protocol
GF Lewis, L Hourani, S Tueller, P Kizakevich, S Bryant, B Weimer, ...
Psychophysiology 52 (9), 1167-1174, 2015
Military report more complementary and alternative medicine use than civilians
C Goertz, BP Marriott, MD Finch, RM Bray, TV Williams, LL Hourani, ...
The Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine 19 (6), 509-517, 2013
Measurement invariance of posttraumatic stress disorder symptoms among US military personnel
AJ Mansfield, J Williams, LL Hourani, LA Babeu
Journal of Traumatic Stress: Official Publication of the International …, 2010
Approaches to the primary prevention of posttraumatic stress disorder in the military: a review of the stress control literature
LL Hourani, CL Council, RC Hubal, LB Strange
Military Medicine 176 (7), 721-730, 2011
A population-based survey of loss and psychological distress during war
LL Hourani, H Armenian, H Zurayk, L Afifi
Social Science & Medicine 23 (3), 269-275, 1986
Toward preventing post-traumatic stress disorder: development and testing of a pilot predeployment stress inoculation training program
L Hourani, S Tueller, P Kizakevich, G Lewis, L Strange, B Weimer, ...
Military medicine 181 (9), 1151-1160, 2016
Suicidal or self‐harming ideation in military personnel transitioning to civilian life
AJ Mansfield, RH Bender, LL Hourani, GE Larson
Suicide and Life‐Threatening Behavior 41 (4), 392-405, 2011
The mental health status of women in the Navy and Marine Corps: preliminary findings from the Perceptions of Wellness and Readiness Assessment
LL Hourani, H Yuan
Military medicine 164 (3), 174-181, 1999
Psychosocial and lifestyle correlates of premenstrual symptoms among military women
LL Hourani, H Yuan, RM Bray
Journal of Women's Health 13 (7), 812-821, 2004
Predeployment stress inoculation training for primary prevention of combat-related stress disorders
LL Hourani, PN Kizakevich, R Hubal, J Spira, LB Strange, DB Holiday, ...
Journal of cybertherapy & rehabilitation 4 (1), 101-116, 2011
Help-seeking behaviors among active-duty military personnel: Utilization of chaplains and other mental health service providers
JK Morgan, L Hourani, ME Lane, S Tueller
Journal of health care chaplaincy 22 (3), 102-117, 2016
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