Raden Arief Nugroho
University students’ perception of online learning in Covid-19 pandemic: A case study in a translation course
RA Nugroho, A Basari, VW Suryaningtyas, SP Cahyono
2020 International Seminar on Application for Technology of Information and …, 2020
Translation microstrategies used by visually impaired translators
RA Nugroho, MR Nababan, ED Subroto
International Journal of Linguistics 6 (5), 103-111, 2016
Penerjemahan: Sebuah Cara untuk Meningkatkan Kualitas Pariwisata Indonesia
RA Nugroho, SA Septemuryantoro, AH Lewa
Sendi_U 2017 Unisbank, 800-808, 2017
Translation learning enrichment using smart application creator 3.0: an attempt to design a mobile application in translation for tourism purpose course
VW Suryaningtyas, RA Nugroho, SP Cahyono, MR Nababan, R Santosa
2019 International Seminar on Application for Technology of Information and …, 2019
Analisis Berita Hoaks di Korpus Sosial Media Guna Mengembangkan Model “KAPAK HOAKS”(Kemandirian Pembaca Menganalisis Konten Hoaks) Studi Analisis Wacana Kritis
S Fatmawati, R Salzabila, GA Rizkitama, RA Nugroho
LITE: Jurnal Bahasa, Sastra, Dan Budaya 15 (2), 113-135, 2019
The Use of Microstrategies in Students' Translation: A Study on Classroom Translation Process and Product
RA Nugroho
Prasasti: Journal of Linguistics 2 (1), 1-21, 2016
Google vs. Instagram machine translation: multilingual application program interface errors in translating procedure text genre
A Larassati, N Setyaningsih, RA Nugroho, VW Suryaningtyas, ...
2019 International Seminar on Application for Technology of Information and …, 2019
Appraisal in Bilingual Tourism Information Media: Developing an SFL-Based Translation Model
VW Suryaningtyas, RA Nugroho, SP Cahyono, MR Nababan, R Santosa
Appraisal in Bilingual Tourism Information Media: Developing an SFL-Based Translation Model
VW Suryaningtyas, RA Nugroho, SP Cahyono, MR Nababan, R Santosa
International Seminar on Language, Education, and Culture 2018, 14-19, 2018
Akulturasi Antara Etnis Cina dan Jawa: Konvergensi atau Divergensi Ujaran Penutur Bahasa Jawa
RA Nugroho, VW Suryaningtyas
Yogyakarta: Andi Ofset, 2010
Translation as an alternative to a language-based vocational course at the undergraduate level
RA Nugroho, A Basari, VW Suryaningtyas, N Setyaningsih, SP Cahyono, ...
1st Vocational Education International Conference (VEIC 2019), 323-328, 2019
Translation quality analysis of cultural words in translated tourism promotional text of Central Java
AA Pratama, TBL Ramadhan, FN Elawati, RA Nugroho
Journal of English Language Teaching and Linguistics 6 (1), 179-193, 2021
The use of Aegisub in teaching audiovisual translation classes: a review on IT-based subtitling course
A Basari, RA Nugroho
Proceedings Education and Language International Conference 1 (1), 2017
Pengembangan Materi BIPA Berbasis Multimedia dan Berkonten Budaya Lokal
N Setyaningsih, RA Nugroho, VW Suryaningtyas
Culture 3 (1), 42-63, 2016
The Development of Indonesian POS Tagging System for Computer-aided Independent Language Learning.
U Afini, C Supriyanto, RA Nugroho
International Journal of Emerging Technologies in Learning 12 (11), 138-150, 2017
Linguistic Politeness Analysis of Indonesia’s Prominent YouTube Influencers
RA Shalekhah, SA Estayani, M Sari, RA Nugroho
Journal of English Language Teaching and Linguistics 5 (3), 421, 2020
Peranan filsafat bahasa dalam perkembangan linguistik
RA Nugroho
Peranan Filsafat Bahasa Dalam Perkembangan Linguistik (The Role of Language …, 2018
Acting the Intangible: Hints of Politeness in Non-Verbal Form.
J Jumanto, SS Rizal, RA Nugroho
English Language Teaching 10 (11), 111-118, 2017
Rapport and Address Terms in Family Guy Cartoon: Can (Targeted) Audience Identify a Social Dimension of Relationship
RA Nugroho
Jurnal LITE 6 (2), 2010
Developing English Job Interview Skill by Self-Access Language Learning through Audio Podcast-Based Learning Media
A Soerjowardhana, RA Nugroho
Celt: A Journal of Culture, English Language Teaching & Literature 17 (2 …, 2017
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