Bobby Minola Ginting
Bobby Minola Ginting
Parahyangan Catholic University, Technical University of Munich
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Comparison of Shallow Water Solvers: Applications for Dam-break and Tsunami Cases with Reordering Strategy for Efficient Vectorization on Modern Hardware
BM Ginting, RP Mundani
Water (Switzerland) 11 (4), 1-31, 2019
Parallel Flood Simulations for Wet-Dry Problems Using Dynamic Load Balancing Concept
BM Ginting, RP Mundani
Journal of Computing in Civil Engineering (ASCE) 33 (3), 1-18, 2019
Central-Upwind Scheme for 2D Turbulent Shallow Flows using High-Resolution Meshes with Scalable Wall Functions
BM Ginting
Computers & Fluids 179 (C), 394-421, 2019
A two-dimensional artificial viscosity technique for modelling discontinuity in shallow water flows
BM Ginting
Applied Mathematical Modelling 45, 653-683, 2017
Optimization of reservoir operation using linear program, case study of Riam Jerawi Reservoir, Indonesia
BM Ginting, D Harlan, A Taufik, H Ginting
International Journal of River Basin Management 15 (2), 187-198, 2017
A framework of dam-break hazard risk mapping for a data-sparse region in Indonesia
D Yudianto, BM Ginting, S Sanjaya, SR Rusli, A Wicaksono
ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information 10 (3), 110, 2021
Hybrid artificial viscosity–central-upwind scheme for recirculating turbulent shallow water flows
BM Ginting, H Ginting
Journal of Hydraulic Engineering 145 (12), 04019041, 2019
Artificial Viscosity Technique: A Riemann-Solver-Free Method for 2D Urban Flood Modelling on Complex Topography
BM Ginting, RP Mundani
Gourbesville P., Cunge J., Caignaert G. (eds) Advances in Hydroinformatics …, 2018
Extension of artificial viscosity technique for solving 2D non-hydrostatic shallow water equations
BM Ginting, H Ginting
European Journal of Mechanics-B/Fluids 80, 92-111, 2020
Parallel Simulations of Shallow Water Solvers for Modelling Overland Flows
BM Ginting, RP Mundani, E Rank
13th International Conference on Hydroinformatics (HIC 2018) 3, 788-789, 2018
Two dimensional flood propagation modeling generated by dam break using finite volume method
BM Ginting
Master Theses, Institute of Technology Bandung, 2011
Hybrid-parallel simulations and visualisations of real flood and tsunami events using unstructured meshes on high-performance cluster systems
BM Ginting, PK Bhola, C Ertl, RP Mundani, M Disse, E Rank
Advances in Hydroinformatics: SimHydro 2019-Models for Extreme Situations …, 2020
Application of finite volume cell center method with wet and dry treatment in hydrodynamic flow modeling
BM Ginting, DK Natakusumah, D Harlan, H Ginting
Proceeding of the Second International Conference on Port, Coastal, and …, 2012
Model 2 Dimensi Propagasi Aliran Banjir Akibat Keruntuhan Bendungan Dengan Metode Volume Hingga
BM Ginting, DK Natakusumah, MS Kusuma, D Harlan
Konferensi Nasional Pasca Sarjana Teknik Sipil, 2011
Numerical simulation of dam break using finite volume method case study of Situ Gintung
BM Ginting, BA Riyanto, H Ginting
Proceedings of International Seminar on Water Related Disaster Solutions 1 …, 2013
Investigation of spillway rating curve via theoretical formula, laboratory experiment, and 3D numerical modeling: A case study of the Riam Kiwa Dam, Indonesia
J Zulfan, BM Ginting
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 930 (1), 012030, 2021
Application of Finite Volume Method in Modeling The Flood Propagation Generated by Dam-Break On The Non-Uniformly Building Layout
MSB Kusuma, DK Natakusumah, D Harlan, BM Ginting
3rd International Conference on Construction Industry, in Padang …, 2011
Scale effects investigation in physical modeling of recirculating shallow flow using large Eddy simulation technique
RA Tartandyo, BM Ginting, J Zulfan
Journal of Applied Fluid Mechanics 17 (1), 43-59, 2023
Assessment of Reservoir Sedimentation and Mitigation Measures using 2D Hydrodynamic Modeling: Case Study of Pandanduri Reservoir, Indonesia
J Zulfan, BM Ginting, R Rimawan
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 1135 (1), 012018, 2023
Numerical simulation for one-dimensional (1D) wave propagation by solving the shallow water equations using the Preissmann implicit scheme
P Lidyana, BM Ginting, D Yudianto
Journal of the Civil Engineering Forum 8 (2), 205-216, 2022
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