Sharon Harvey
Foreign language teachers’ language proficiency and their language teaching practice
H Richards, C Conway, A Roskvist, S Harvey
The Language Learning Journal 41 (2), 231-246, 2013
What teachers say about addressing culture in their EFL teaching practices: The Vietnamese context
L Nguyen, S Harvey, L Grant
Intercultural Education 27 (2), 165-178, 2016
Teacher provision of opportunities for learners to develop language knowledge and cultural knowledge
C Conway, H Richards, S Harvey, A Roskvist
Asia Pacific Journal of Education 30 (4), 449-462, 2010
Languages in Aotearoa New Zealand
RSN Zealand
Royal Society of New Zealand, 2013
‘To improve language, you have to mix’: teachers' perceptions of language learning in an overseas immersion environment
A Roskvist, S Harvey, D Corder, K Stacey
The Language Learning Journal 42 (3), 321-333, 2014
Evaluation of teacher professional development languages (TPDL) in years 7-10 and the impact on language learning opportunities and outcomes for students
S Harvey, C Conway, H Richards, A Roskvist
Auckland, New Zealand: Auckland University of Technology, 2010
An evaluation of the language and culture immersion experiences (LCIE) for teachers programmes: Their impact on teachers and their contribution to effective second language …
S Harvey, A Roskvist, D Corder, K Stacey
Wellington, NZ: Ministry of Education, 2011
The concept of learning Japanese: Explaining why successful students of Japanese discontinue Japanese studies at the transition to tertiary education
R Oshima, S Harvey
The Language Learning Journal 45 (2), 153-170, 2017
Revisiting the idea of a national languages policy for New Zealand: How relevant are the issues today?
S Harvey
TESOLANZ Journal 21, 2013
Language teachers on study abroad programmes: The characteristics and strategies of those most likely to increase their intercultural communicative competence
D Corder, A Roskvist, S Harvey, K Stacey
Second language study abroad: Programming, pedagogy, and participant …, 2018
Evaluation of teacher professional development languages (in Years 7–10) and the impact on language learning opportunities and outcomes for students
S Harvey, C Conway, H Richards, A Roskvist
Report to the Ministry of Education. Auckland: Auckland University of Technology, 2009
Critical perspectives on language (s)
S Harvey
Journal of Sociolinguistics 7 (2), 246-259, 2003
‘Japanese and the major are incompatible’: institutional reasons for dropping Japanese at the transition from secondary to tertiary education
R Oshima, S Harvey
The Language Learning Journal 45 (4), 499-517, 2017
Teacher language learning and residence abroad: What makes a difference? Perspectives from two case studies
A Roskvist, S Harvey, D Corder, K Stacey, R Mitchell, N Tracy-Ventura, ...
Social interaction, identity and language learning during residence abroad 4 …, 2015
Discourses of (non) western subjectivity and philosophical recovery
S Harvey
Journal of Multicultural Discourses 1 (1), 27-34, 2006
Teachers working with ESOL paraprofessionals in a secondary context: Examining supervision
K Stacey, S Harvey, H Richards
Teaching and Teacher Education 36, 55-67, 2013
Intercultural competency: Policy and practice in Aotearoa New Zealand
S Harvey
New Zealand Language Teacher, The 44, 4-17, 2018
Teacher Language Awareness in Initial Teacher Education Policy: A Comparative Analysis of ITE Documents in Norway and New Zealand
J Bonness, Dania, S Harvey, Sharon & Lysne, Mari
Languages 2022 7 (3), 2022
A report to the Ministry of Education: Evaluation of Teacher Professional Development Languages (TPDL) in years 7-10 and the impact on language learning opportunities and …
S Harvey, C Conway, H Richards, A Roskvist
New Zealand Ministry of Education, 2010
Discourses of research policy in New Zealand, 1984-2005 neoliberalism, tertiary education and national science
S Harvey
PhD Thesis-University of Auckland, 2006
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