Apoorv Jyoti
Apoorv Jyoti
Reactive transport modeller, University of Melbourne
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Monitoring of CO2 Plume Migration in Deep Saline Formations with Kinetic Interface Sensitive Tracers (A Numerical Modelling Study for the Laboratory)
AB Tatomir, A Jyoti, M Sauter
Geologic carbon sequestration: Understanding reservoir behavior, 59-80, 2016
Validation of a multicomponent reactive-transport model at pore scale based on the coupling of COMSOL and PhreeqC
A Jyoti, RR Haese
Computers & Geosciences 156, 104870, 2021
Comparison of petrophysical properties of porous rocks using NMR, micro-CT, and fluid flow simulations
A Jyoti, RR Haese
Geosciences 11 (12), 500, 2021
Changes in Pore Geometry and Connectivity in the Basalt Pore Network Adjacent to Fractures in Response to CO2‐Saturated Fluid
M Phukan, A Jyoti, JR Black, RR Haese
Water Resources Research 57 (12), e2021WR030275, 2021
Modeling of Kinetic Interface Sensitive Tracers for Two Phase Immiscible Flow in Porous Media with COMSOL Multiphysics
AB Tatomir, A Jyoti, F Maier, M Sauter
Excerpt from the Proceedings of the 2014 COMSOL Conference in Cambridge, 2014
Irida: A machine learning based code for the automated derivation of site-specific rock type logs and their properties using Kimeleon colourlith image logs
A Mishra, A Jyoti, RR Haese
Applied Computing and Geosciences 16, 100102, 2022
The importance of reaction mechanisms and coupled dissolution with reprecipitation (CDR) reactions when modelling copper leaching in heap systems
EO Ansah, A Jyoti, JR Black, RR Haese
Minerals Engineering 203, 108357, 2023
Buoyancy segregation suppresses viscous fingering in horizontal displacements in a porous layer
EM Hinton, A Jyoti
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 946, A48, 2022
Informed reduction of the geological data on rock material interfaces in subsurface CO2 storage reservoirs
A Mishra, A Jyoti, R Haese
Fuel 342, 127777, 2023
Copper leaching in low-grade ore: a reactive-transport modelling study revealing controls on local reactions on mineral surfaces
A Jyoti, EO Ansah, JR Black, RR Haese
Geochemical Reactions at Lithological Boundaries Controlled by Downward Advection of Co2-Enriched Brine–A Reactive-Transport Modelling Study at Pore Scale
A Jyoti, R Haese
14th Greenhouse Gas Control Technologies Conference Melbourne, 21-26, 2018
Dissolution patterns and rates in a heterogeneous limestone studied by using a multicomponent reactive transport model at the pore scale
A Jyoti, RR Haese
InterPore2018 New Orleans, 2018
From pore-to field-scale modelling of kinetic interface sensitive tracers for monitoring CO2 plume migration in deep saline aquifers
ABAC Tatomir, M Halisch, A Peche, F Maier, A Jyoti, T Licha, J Bensabat, ...
EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, 11793, 2015
Modeling of Kinetic Interface Sensitive Tracers for Two Phase Immiscible Flow in Porous Media with COMSOL Multiphysics® Software
AB Tatomir, F Maier, A Jyoti, M Sauter
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