Laura Altin
Laura Altin
PhD Student, University of Tartu
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Methodological framework for producing national tourism statistics from mobile positioning data
E Saluveer, J Raun, M Tiru, L Altin, J Kroon, T Snitsarenko, A Aasa, S Silm
Annals of Tourism Research 81, 102895, 2020
Megastar concerts in tourism: a study using mobile phone data
L Altin, R Ahas, S Silm, E Saluveer
Scandinavian Journal of Hospitality and Tourism 22 (2), 161-180, 2022
Using passive mobile positioning data in tourism and population statistics
L Altin, M Tiru, E Saluveer, A Puura
Proceedings of the New Techniques and Technologies in Statistics (NTTS 2015), 2015
Premium offerings in the sharing economy: Authentic immersions
B Richard, J Murphy, L Altin
Journal of Revenue and Pricing Management 17, 244-255, 2018
Tourism and citizenship: rights, freedoms and responsibilities in the global order
L Altin, B Richard, J Raun
Anatolia 26 (1), 117-119, 2015
Cultivating a Global Pool of Future Geoscientists and Mentors
EB Sparrow, S Yule, A Murphy, M Fenzel, S Buali, J Bourgeault, T Tunkl, ...
AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2015, ED23A-0857, 2015
Using Mobile Positioning datasets to distinguish tourist „hot spots “and „cold spots “in Estonia
L Altin, B Richard, J Raun, R Ahas
Book Review: Tourism and Citizenship: Rights, Freedoms and Responsibilities in the Global Order
L Altin, B Richard, J Raun
Guests’ reactions to being monitored: the balancing act of added value and privacy concerns
B Richard, L Altin
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