Viktor Hlavička
Viktor Hlavička
Budapesti Műszaki és Gazdaságtudományi Egyetem, Építőanyagok és Magasépítés Tanszék
在 epito.bme.hu 的电子邮件经过验证
Bond after fire
ÉLV Hlavička
Construction and Building Materials 132, 210-218, 2017
Investigation of physical, chemical, mechanical, and microstructural properties of cement-less concrete–state-of-the-art review
B Kanagaraj, E Lubloy, N Anand, V Hlavicka, T Kiran
Construction and Building Materials 365, 130020, 2023
Effect of fire-related temperatures on natural stones
A Biró, V Hlavička, É Lublóy
Construction and Building Materials 212, 92-101, 2019
Fibers and fiber cocktails to improve fire resistance of concrete
O Czoboly, É Lublóy, V Hlavička, GL Balázs, O Kéri, IM Szilágyi
Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry 128, 1453-1461, 2017
Concrete cone failure of bonded anchors in thermally damaged concrete
V Hlavička, É Lublóy
Construction and Building Materials 171, 588-597, 2018
Numerical modelling of the fire resistance of double sheared steel-to-timber connections
A Szász, V Hlavička, É Lublóy, A Biró
Journal of Building Engineering 37, 102150, 2021
Residual fracture mechanical properties of quartz and expanded clay aggregate concrete subjected to elevated temperature
V Hlavička, LE Hlavicka-Laczak, E Lubloy
Construction and Building Materials 328, 126845, 2022
CT and laboratory test of the wall panels after fire load
É Lublóy, K Kapitány, GL Balázs, T Földes, V Hlavička, L Hlavicka-Laczák
Construction and Building Materials 211, 1105-1116, 2019
Experiences of the fire case of athletic hall of the University of Physical Education in Budapest 15 Oct. 2015
É Lublóy, O Czoboly, V Hlavička, BGL Oros Zs
Vasbetonépítés 3, 50-55, 2015
Performance of expansion and bonded anchors installed into concrete in comparison to limestone and granite
M Tóth, V Hlavička, É Lublóy, Á Török, GL Balázs
Bond Concr 1, 527-532, 2012
Effect of bulk density on flame resistance of rockwool in combined fire-resistant facings
É Lublóy, A Biró, V Hlavička, Z Németh, J Csanaky
Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry 147 (21), 11693-11704, 2022
Fire resistance of the vertical glass structures with thermal protection foil
A Jakab, V Hlavicka, Á Restás, E Lubloy
Journal of structural fire engineering 11 (3), 395-407, 2020
Experimental study on the behaviour of bonded anchoring systems in fibre reinforcement concrete
V Hlavicka, ÉE Lublóy
Concrete Structures 19, 28-33, 2018
Szálerősítésű, Illetve hőkárosodott Betonok tulajdonságainak hatása a húzott rögzítőelemek viselkedésére
V Hlavička
PQDT-Global, 2019
Thermophysical properties of potential geothermal reservoir rocks: an outcrop analogue study of the sedimentary series of the Buda Mts., Hungary
AE Götz, Á Török, M Tóth, V Hlavička, I Sass
EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, 2615, 2012
Újrahasznosított betonok tűzállósága: Fire resistance of recycled aggregate concrete
H Viktor, A Roland
Nemzetközi Építéstudományi Konferencia–ÉPKO, 74-79, 2024
Fire behaviour of hollow core slabs
V Hlavička, A Biró, B Tóth, É Lublóy
Construction and Building Materials 411, 134143, 2024
Fire performance of recycled aggregate concrete: Challenges and future prospects
Z Yousuf, V Hlavička
Concrete Structures 24, 112-123, 2023
Bridges after the fire–Experiences, tests and repair methods
L Éva, H Viktor, C Olivér, B András, C Zsolt
Ain Shams engineering journal 14 (11), 102519, 2023
Betonszerkezetek károsodása lövedékbecsapódás hatására: 1. rész
LE Hlavicka-Laczák, V Hlavička, G Károlyi, F Hajdú, GN Salem, I Vozsech
Haditechnika 55 (5), 65-70, 2021
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