Haibo Liu
Haibo Liu
在 clemson.edu 的电子邮件经过验证
Heterologous expression of Arabidopsis H+‐pyrophosphatase enhances salt tolerance in transgenic creeping bentgrass (Agrostis stolonifera L.)
Z Li, CM Baldwin, Q Hu, H Liu, H Luo
Plant, Cell & Environment 33 (2), 272-289, 2010
Transgenic creeping bentgrass overexpressing Osa‐miR393a exhibits altered plant development and improved multiple stress tolerance
J Zhao, S Yuan, M Zhou, N Yuan, Z Li, Q Hu, FG Bethea Jr, H Liu, S Li, ...
Plant biotechnology journal 17 (1), 233-251, 2019
Heterologous expression of Os SIZ 1, a rice SUMO E 3 ligase, enhances broad abiotic stress tolerance in transgenic creeping bentgrass
Z Li, Q Hu, M Zhou, J Vandenbrink, D Li, N Menchyk, S Reighard, A Norris, ...
Plant Biotechnology Journal 11 (4), 432-445, 2013
Kentucky bluegrass responses to mowing practice and nitrogen fertility management
JR Heckman, H Liu, W Hill, M DeMilia, WL Anastasia
Journal of Sustainable Agriculture 15 (4), 25-33, 2000
Bermudagrass putting green growth, color, and nutrient partitioning influenced by nitrogen and trinexapac‐ethyl
PE McCullough, H Liu, LB McCarty, T Whitwell, JE Toler
Crop Science 46 (4), 1515-1525, 2006
Comparing Cultivars of Three Cool‐Season Turfgrass for Soil Water NO3 Concentration and Leaching Potential
H Liu, RJ Hull, DT Duff
Crop Science 37 (2), 526-534, 1997
Trinexapac‐ethyl application regimens influence growth, quality, and performance of Bermuda grass and creeping bentgrass putting greens
PE McCullough, H Liu, LB McCarty, JE Toler
Crop science 47 (5), 2138-2144, 2007
Turfgrass nitrogen: physiology and environmental impacts.
RJ Hull, HB Liu
Impacts of altered light spectral quality on warm season turfgrass growth under greenhouse conditions
CM Baldwin, H Liu, LB McCarty, H Luo, CE Wells, JE Toler
Crop science 49 (4), 1444-1453, 2009
Screening fine fescues for aluminum tolerance
H Liu, JR Heckman, JA Murphy
Journal of Plant Nutrition 19 (5), 677-688, 1996
Nitrogen and plant growth regulator influence on ‘Champion’bermudagrass putting green under reduced sunlight
CM Baldwin, H Liu, LB McCarty, H Luo, JE Toler
Agronomy journal 101 (1), 75-81, 2009
Response of six bermudagrass cultivars to different irrigation intervals
CM Baldwin, H Liu, LB McCarty, WL Bauerle, JE Toler
HortTechnology 16 (3), 466-470, 2006
Response of six dwarf-type bermudagrasses to trinexapac-ethyl.
PE McCullough, HB Liu, LB McCarty
Effects of trinexapac-ethyl on the salinity tolerance of two ultradwarf bermudagrass cultivars
CM Baldwin, H Liu, LB McCarty, WL Bauerle, JE Toler
HortScience 41 (3), 808-814, 2006
Enhancing turfgrass nitrogen use under stresses
HB Liu
Handbook of turfgrass management and physiology, 557-601, 2007
Efficiency of foliar versus granular fertilization: A field study of creeping bentgrass performance
FW Totten, H Liu, LB McCarty, CM Baldwin, DG Bielenberg, JE Toler
Journal of Plant Nutrition 31 (5), 972-982, 2008
Mowing height, nitrogen rate, and biostimulant influence root development of field-grown'TifEagle'bermudagrass.
BJ Tucker, LB McCarty, HB Liu, CE Wells, JR Rieck
Response of'TifEagle'bermudagrass to seven plant growth regulators.
PE McCullough, HB Liu, LB McCarty, T Whitwell
Comparing cultivars of three cool-season turfgrasses for nitrate uptake kinetics and nitrogen recovery in the field
H Liu
Int. Turfgrass Soc. Res. J. 7, 546-552, 1993
‘Diamond’zoysiagrass putting green establishment affected by sprigging rates, nitrogen sources, and rates in the southern transition zone
JB Stiglbauer, H Liu, LB McCarty, DM Park, JE Toler, K Kirk
HortScience 44 (6), 1757-1761, 2009
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