Florian Le Bourdais
Florian Le Bourdais
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Ultrasonic defect characterization using the scattering matrix: A performance comparison study of Bayesian inversion and machine learning schemas
L Bai, F Le Bourdais, R Miorelli, P Calmon, A Velichko, BW Drinkwater
IEEE Transactions on Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics, and Frequency Control 68 …, 2021
Status of the Sodium Gas Heat Exchanger (SGHE) development for the Nitrogen Power Conversion System planned for the ASTRID SFR prototype
L Cachon, C Vitillo, C Garnier, X Jeanningros, E Rigal, F Le Bourdais, ...
ICAPP 2015-International Congress on Advances on nuclear Power Plants, paper …, 2015
Liquid sodium testing of in-house phased array EMAT transducer for L-wave applications
F Le Bourdais, T Le Pollès, F Baqué
2015 4th International Conference on Advancements in Nuclear Instrumentation …, 2015
Development of electromagnetic acoustic transducer (EMAT) phased arrays for SFR inspection
F Le Bourdais, B Marchand
AIP Conference Proceedings 1581 (1), 1022-1029, 2014
On the potential of Resonant Ultrasound Spectroscopy applied to the non-destructive characterization of the density of (LPBF) additively manufactured materials
F Le Bourdais, JS Rathore, C Ly, M Pellat, C Vienne, V Bonnefoy, ...
Additive Manufacturing 58, 103037, 2022
Machine-learning based temperature compensation for guided wave imaging in structural health monitoring
F Le Bourdais, O Mesnil, O d'Almeida
11th International Symposium on NDT in Aerospace, Nov 2019, Paris-Saclay …, 2019
Modeling approaches for the simulation of ultrasonic inspections of anisotropic composite structures in the CIVA software platform
K Jezzine, A Imperiale, E Demaldent, F Le Bourdais, P Calmon, ...
AIP Conference Proceedings 1949 (1), 2018
Experimental validation of an 8 element EMAT phased array probe for longitudinal wave generation
F Le Bourdais, B Marchand
AIP Conference Proceedings 1650 (1), 1496-1505, 2015
Design of ultrasonic inspection methods for sodium cooled reactors by CIVA simulation
F Le Bourdais, F Baqué, V Baronian, F Reverdy
2013 3rd International Conference on Advancements in Nuclear Instrumentation …, 2013
ASTRID In Service Inspection and Repair: review of R&D program and associated results
F Baqué, F Jadot, F Bourdais, J Sibilo, JM Augem, O Gastaldi
Hybrid modal/FE simulation of guided waves inspections
V Baronian, K Jezzine, F Le Bourdais
AIP Conference Proceedings 1511 (1), 191-198, 2013
Study of guided wave transmission through complex junction in sodium cooled reactor
Q Elie, F Le Bourdais, K Jezzine, V Baronian
2015 4th International Conference on Advancements in Nuclear Instrumentation …, 2015
Assessing performance of flaw characterization methods through uncertainty propagation
R Miorelli, F Le Bourdais, X Artusi
AIP Conference Proceedings 1949 (1), 2018
R&D status on in-sodium ultrasonic transducers for ASTRID inspection
F Baqué, C Lhuillier, F Navacchia, F Le Bourdais, JF Saillant, R Marlier, ...
Under sodium imaging of SFR internals-Simulation studies in water
A Kumar, GK Sharma, CB Rao, BP Rao, T Jayakumar, G Gobillot, ...
2013 3rd International Conference on Advancements in Nuclear Instrumentation …, 2013
Model based inversion strategy dedicated to non-destructive testing applications
C Reboud, R Miorelli, F Le Bourdais, X Artusi, P Calmon
IET Digital Library, 2018
Simulation-based performances assessment of FMC-TFM array imaging techniques
P Calmon, F Le Bourdais, X Artusi, R Miorelli, S Leberre
ECNDT 2018-12th European Conference on Non-Destructive Testing, 2018
Accurate simulation of EMAT probes for ultrasonic NDT based on experimental measurements
F Bourdais, JM Decitre, L Pucci, C Reboud
Development and application of modeling tools for sodium fast reactor inspection
F Le Bourdais, B Marchand, V Baronian
AIP Conference Proceedings 1581 (1), 1014-1021, 2014
Tensile and micro-compression behaviour of AISI 316L austenitic stainless steel single crystals at 20° C and 300° C: Experiments, modelling and simulations
JM Scherer, J Hure, R Madec, F Le Bourdais, L van Brutzel, S Sao-Joao, ...
Materials Science and Engineering: A 900, 146471, 2024
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