Serter Atabay
Serter Atabay
Professor of Civil Engineering, American University of Sharjah
在 aus.edu 的电子邮件经过验证
Stage-discharge, resistance and sediment transport relationships for flow in straight compound channels
S Atabay
University of Birmingham, 2001
Leachability of microplastic from different plastic materials
MM Mortula, S Atabay, KP Fattah, A Madbuly
Journal of environmental management 294, 112995, 2021
1-D modelling of conveyance, boundary shear and sediment transport in overbank flow
S Atabay, DW Knight
Journal of Hydraulic Research 44 (6), 739-754, 2006
Experimental backwater analysis around bridge waterways
G Seckin, S Atabay
Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering 32 (6), 1015-1029, 2005
Effects of overbank flow on fluvial sediment transport rates
S Atabay, DW Knight, G Seckin
Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers-Water Management 158 (1 …, 2005
Stage-discharge and resistance relationships for laboratory alluvial channels with overbank flow
S Atabay, DW Knight
River Sedimentation: Theory and Applications, Jayawardena AW, Lee JHW, Wang …, 1999
Discharge estimation in compound channels with fixed and mobile bed
G Seckin, M Mamak, S Atabay, M Omran
Sadhana 34, 923-945, 2009
3D numerical modelling of flow around skewed bridge crossing
KS Erduran, G Seckin, S Kocaman, S Atabay
Engineering Applications of Computational Fluid Mechanics 6 (3), 475-489, 2012
Bridge afflux experiments in compound channels
G Seckin, DW Knight, S Atabay, N Seckin
Unpublished technical paper presented for JBA consulting Engineers …, 2004
Accuracy of the ISIS bridge methods for prediction of afflux at high flows
S Atabay
Water and Environment Journal 22 (1), 64-73, 2008
The influence of floodplain width on the stage-discharge relationship for compound channels
S Atabay, D Knight
River Flow 2002-Proceedings of the International Conference on Fluvial …, 2002
Bridge afflux experiments in compound channels
S Atabay, DW Knight
Report supplied to JBA Consulting, The School of Civil Engineering, The …, 2002
Prediction of the backwater level due to bridge constriction in waterways
S Atabay, K Haji Amou Assar, M Hashemi, M Dib
Water and environment journal 32 (1), 94-103, 2018
Study of water quality in Dubai Creek using DubaiSat-1 multispectral imagery
TA Ali, MM Mortula, S Atabay
Geo-Informatics in Resource Management and Sustainable Ecosystem …, 2013
Effect of the Froude number on assessment of the bridge afflux
G Seckin, DW Knight, S Atabay, N Seckin
Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers-Water Management 161 (2 …, 2008
Influence of a mobile bed on the boundary shear in a compound channel
S Atabay, DW Knight, G Seckin
Proc. Int. Conf. on Fluvial Hydraulics, River Flow, Naples, Italia 1, 337-345, 2004
GIS-based Study on the Susceptibility of Dubai Creek (UAE) to Eutrophication.
TA Ali, M Mortula, S Atabay
Polish Journal of Environmental Studies 25 (6), 2016
Sediment transport in river models with overbank flow
DW Knight, FA Brown, SA Ayyoubzadeh, S Atabay
Proc. of 7th International Symposium on River Sedimentation, 19-25, 1999
A new meteorological drought index based on fuzzy logic: Development and comparative assessment with conventional drought indices
MS Oyounalsoud, M Abdallah, AG Yilmaz, M Siddique, S Atabay
Journal of Hydrology 619, 129306, 2023
Improving bridge afflux prediction for overbank flows
G Seckin, DW Knight, S Atabay, N Seckin
Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers-Water Management 161 (5 …, 2008
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