Daniela Véliz
Daniela Véliz
在 uc.cl 的电子邮件经过验证
Evincing the ratchet: A thematic analysis of the promotion and tenure guidelines at a striving university
SK Gardner, D Veliz
The Review of Higher Education 38 (1), 105-132, 2014
Defining hazing: Gender differences
D Véliz-Calderón Ph D, EJ Allan Ph D
Oracle: The Research Journal of the Association of Fraternity/Sorority …, 2017
Retroalimentación (feedback) positiva para el mejoramiento del entrenamiento (coaching) y liderazgo
D Veliz
Universidad Rafael Landívar, Escuintla. Recuperado de: http://recursosbiblio …, 2016
La investigación en educación superior en Chile: Una perspectiva sobre patrones de publicación y temas emergentes
AL Muñoz-García, JPQ Quilamán, A Bernasconi, DV Calderón
Education Policy Analysis Archives 27, 100-100, 2019
The Evolution of the Academic Profession in Research-Centered Universities in Chile.
D Véliz-Calderón, D Theurillat, V Paredes Walker, A Pickenpack
Education Policy Analysis Archives 26 (17), n17, 2018
Generational perceptions of promotion and tenure expectations by faculty in a striving university: A quest for legitimacy?
D Véliz, SK Gardner
Higher Education Quarterly 73 (3), 359-373, 2019
La profesión académica en Chile: perspectivas desde una encuesta internacional
P Berríos, Paulina, Bernasconi, Andrés, Véliz, Daniela, Celis, Sergio, Guzmán
Calidad en la Educación, 2021
Los académicos en la educación superior chilena: una profesión en transición
D Veliz, A Bernasconi, A Carrasco, L Flores
De la reforma a la transformación. Capacidades, innovaciones y regulación de …, 2019
A decade of Chilean graduate program accreditation: A push for internationalization and issues of multidisciplinarity
S Celis, D Veliz
Higher Education Policy 35 (1), 133-154, 2022
Policy translation of social movements demands: The case of free-tuition in higher education in Chile
D Veliz, A Pickenpack, C Villalobos
Berkeley Review of Education 11 (2), 2022
The socialization of international doctoral students in the USA
D Véliz
Socialization in Higher Education and the Early Career: Theory, Research and …, 2020
Influence of global rankings on strategic planning from the perspective of decision‐makers: A case study of a Chilean research university
D Véliz, P Marshall
Higher Education Quarterly 76 (3), 638-652, 2022
La acreditación como agente de mejora continua en los programas de postgrado en ciencia y tecnología
S Celis, D Véliz
Cuadernos de Investigación, 2017
Experiences of international women faculty at one striving university
D Véliz
Journal of Women and Gender in Higher Education 13 (1), 37-55, 2020
Global university rankings from afar: The case of the Pontifical Catholic University of Chile
A Bernasconi, D Véliz
The Global Academic Rankings Game, 38-56, 2016
Inteligencia Emocional y Rendimiento Académico en estudiantes de Quinto de secundaria de Instituciones Educativas Estatales y Particulares de la zona urbana de el Tambo
D Veliz, LA Aquino
Tesis para optar el Título Profesional de: Licenciado en Pedagogía y …, 2014
Higher education research in Chile: Publication patterns and emerging themes
AL Muñoz García, JP Queupil, R Bernasconi, D Véliz Calderón
The effect of state budget cuts on the department climate
SK Gardner, A Blackstone, SK McCoy, D Véliz
Academe 100 (6), 23-26, 2014
Becoming a successful international faculty member in a striving university
D Véliz, C Guzmán-Valenzuela, A Pickenpack
Current Issues in Education 21 (3), 2020
Evaluación de la carga laboral en residentes chilenos de especialidades y subespecialidades médicas
LA Díaz, JP Arab Verdugo, P Cotoras, D Véliz, M Bitrán Carreño, ...
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