Youjin Lee
Youjin Lee
在 brown.edu 的电子邮件经过验证
Causal inference, social networks and chain graphs
EL Ogburn, I Shpitser, Y Lee
Journal of the Royal Statistical Society Series A: Statistics in Society 183 …, 2020
Network dependence can lead to spurious associations and invalid inference
Y Lee, EL Ogburn
Journal of the American Statistical Association 116 (535), 1060-1074, 2021
Network dependence testing via diffusion maps and distance-based correlations
Y Lee, C Shen, CE Priebe, JT Vogelstein
Biometrika 106 (4), 857-873, 2019
Partially pooled propensity score models for average treatment effect estimation with multilevel data
Y Lee, TQ Nguyen, EA Stuart
Journal of the Royal Statistical Society Series A: Statistics in Society 184 …, 2021
Two robust tools for inference about causal effects with invalid instruments
H Kang, Y Lee, TT Cai, DS Small
Biometrics 78 (1), 24-34, 2022
Doubly robust nonparametric instrumental variable estimators for survival outcomes
Y Lee, EH Kennedy, N Mitra
Biostatistics 24 (2), 518-537, 2023
Flexible propensity score estimation strategies for clustered data in observational studies
TH Chang, TQ Nguyen, Y Lee, JW Jackson, EA Stuart
Statistics in medicine 41 (25), 5016-5032, 2022
Testing for Network and Spatial Autocorrelation
Y Lee, EL Ogburn
Proceedings of NetSci-X 2020: Sixth International Winter School and …, 2020
Network dependence and confounding by network structure lead to invalid inference
Y Lee, EL Ogburn
arXiv preprint ArXiv:1908.00520, 2019
Calculating risk and prevalence ratios and differences in R: developing intuition with a hands-on tutorial and code
RR Yorlets, Y Lee, JR Gantenberg
Annals of epidemiology 86, 104-109, 2023
Evidence factors from multiple, possibly invalid, instrumental variables
A Zhao, Y Lee, DS Small, B Karmakar
The Annals of Statistics 50 (3), 1266-1296, 2022
Estimation of policy-relevant causal effects in the presence of interference with an application to the philadelphia beverage tax
G Hettinger, C Roberto, Y Lee, N Mitra
arXiv preprint arXiv:2301.06697, 2023
Facility profiling under competing risks using multivariate prognostic scores: Application to kidneytransplant centers
Y Lee, DE Schaubel
Statistical Methods in Medical Research 31 (3), 563-575, 2022
Prognostic score‐based methods for estimating center effects based on survival probability: Application to post‐kidney transplant survival
Y Lee, PP Reese, AH Tran, DE Schaubel
Statistics in Medicine, 2024
Partnering With Authors to Enhance Reproducibility at JASA
J Wrobel, EC Hector, L Crawford, LDA McGowan, N da Silva, J Goldsmith, ...
Journal of the American Statistical Association, 1-3, 2024
Finding influential subjects in a network using a causal framework
Y Lee, AL Buchanan, EL Ogburn, SR Friedman, ME Halloran, NV Katenka, ...
Biometrics 79 (4), 3715-3727, 2023
Methods for assessing Spillover in network-based studies of HIV/AIDS prevention among people who use drugs
AL Buchanan, N Katenka, Y Lee, J Wu, K Pantavou, SR Friedman, ...
Pathogens 12 (2), 326, 2023
Robustiv and controlfunctioniv: Causal inference for linear and nonlinear models with invalid instrumental variables
T Koo, Y Lee, DS Small, Z Guo
Observational Studies 9 (4), 97-120, 2023
Beyond Multiple Linear Regression: Applied Generalized Linear Models and Multilevel Models in R: by Paul Roback and Julie Legler. Boca Raton, FL: Chapman & Hall/CRC Press, 2020 …
Y Lee
The American Statistician 75 (4), 450-451, 2021
Economic outcomes among microfinance group members receiving community-based chronic disease care: Cluster randomized trial evidence from Kenya
M Wilson-Barthes, J Steingrimsson, Y Lee, DN Tran, J Wachira, C Kafu, ...
Social Science & Medicine 351, 116993, 2024
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