Khangelani Moyo
Khangelani Moyo
Research Fellow, University of the Free State, South Africa
在 ufs.ac.za 的电子邮件经过验证
Strategy and tactics: Chinese immigrants and diasporic spaces in Johannesburg, South Africa
P Harrison, K Moyo, Y Yang
Journal of Southern African Studies 38 (4), 899-925, 2012
South African HIV/AIDS programming overlooks migration, urban livelihoods, and informal workplaces
J Vearey, M Richter, L Núñez, K Moyo
African Journal of AIDS Research 10 (sup1), 381-391, 2011
The corona virus and migration governance in South Africa: Business as usual?
FL Zanker, K Moyo
Africa Spectrum 55 (1), 100-112, 2020
Zimbabweans in Johannesburg, South Africa: Space, movement and spatial identity
K Moyo
University of the Witwatersrand, Faculty of Engineering and the Built …, 2017
Who is watching? Refugee protection during a pandemic-responses from Uganda and South Africa
K Moyo, KR Sebba, F Zanker
Comparative Migration Studies 9 (1), 37, 2021
My way? The circumstances and intermediaries that influence the migration decision-making of female Zimbabwean domestic workers in Johannesburg
T Zack, S Matshaka, K Moyo, KP Vanyoro
Migrating Out of Poverty Working Paper, 2019
Political contestations within south African migration governance
K Moyo, F Zanker
Arnold Bergstraesser-Intitut. Deutsche Stiftung Friedensforschung, 2020
‘Ethnic Enclave of a Special Sort?’Mozambicans in La Rochelle, Johannesburg
K Moyo, E Cossa
Journal of Southern African Studies 41 (1), 141-158, 2015
Street level interface: Interaction between health personnel and migrant patients at an inner city public health facility in Johannesburg
K Moyo
University of the Witwatersrand, 2010
No hope for the ‘foreigners’: The conflation of refugees and migrants in South Africa
K Moyo, F Zanker
Journal of Immigrant & Refugee Studies 20 (2), 253-265, 2022
Visual representations in South Africa of China and the Chinese people
P Harrison, Y Yang, K Moyo
Journal of African Cultural Studies 29 (1), 25-45, 2017
Street-level bureaucracy: the interface between health personnel and migrant patients at Hillbrow Community Health Centre
K Moyo
Unpublished MA Thesis. Forced Migration Studies Programme, University of the …, 2010
Refugee policy as infrastructure: The gulf between policy intent and implementation for refugees and asylum seekers in South Africa
K Moyo, C Botha
Migration in Southern Africa: IMISCOE regional reader, 77-89, 2022
My way
T Zack, S Matshaka, K Moyo, KP Vanyoro
The Circumstances and Intermediaries That İnfluence The Migration Decision …, 2019
(Un) Rest in Peace: The (Local) Burial of Foreign Migrants as a Contested Process of Place Making
K Moyo, L Núñez, T Leuta
Routes and Rites to the City: Mobility, Diversity and Religious Space in …, 2016
South African HIV
J Vearey, M Richter, L Núñez, K Moyo
AIDS programming overlooks migration, urban livelihoods, 2011
HIV prevention in the workplace and beyond: the importance of engaging with migration, urban livelihoods and the “informal economy” in South Africa
J Vearey, L Nunez, M Richter, K Moyo
African Journal of AIDS Research 10 (supplement), 381-391, 2011
Transnational Habitus and Sociability in the City: Zimbabwean Migrants' Experiences in Johannesburg, South Africa.
K Moyo
Gender Questions, 2020
29 Phantoms of the past, spectres of the present: Chinese space in Johannesburg
P Harrison, K Moyo, Y Yang
Changing spaCe, Changing City, 512, 2014
Densities, enclaves, and the daily lives of migrants in Johannesburg
K Moyo
Densifying the City?, 139-167, 2020
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