Comparison of diesel spray combustion in different high-temperature, high-pressure facilities LM Pickett, CL Genzale, G Bruneaux, LM Malbec, L Hermant, ... SAE International Journal of Engines 3 (2), 156-181, 2010 | 398 | 2010 |
Direct simulation and modeling of flame-wall interaction for premixed turbulent combustion TJ Poinsot, DC Haworth, G Bruneaux Combustion and Flame 95 (1-2), 118-132, 1993 | 328 | 1993 |
Engine combustion network: comparison of spray development, vaporization, and combustion in different combustion vessels M Bardi, R Payri, LMC Malbec, G Bruneaux, LM Pickett, J Manin, T Bazyn, ... Atomization and Sprays 22 (10), 2012 | 224 | 2012 |
Engine Combustion Network (ECN): Characterization and comparison of boundary conditions for different combustion vessels M Meijer, B Somers, J Johnson, J Naber, SY Lee, LMC Malbec, ... Atomization and Sprays 22 (9), 2012 | 192 | 2012 |
The role of hydrogen for future internal combustion engines A Onorati, R Payri, BM Vaglieco, AK Agarwal, C Bae, G Bruneaux, ... International Journal of Engine Research 23 (4), 529-540, 2022 | 151 | 2022 |
Flame-wall interaction simulation in a turbulent channel flow G Bruneaux, K Akselvoll, T Poinsot, JH Ferziger Combustion and flame 107 (1-2), 27-44, 1996 | 135 | 1996 |
Characterization of Spray A flame structure for parametric variations in ECN constant-volume vessels using chemiluminescence and laser-induced fluorescence N Maes, M Meijer, N Dam, B Somers, HB Toda, G Bruneaux, SA Skeen, ... Combustion and Flame 174, 138-151, 2016 | 133 | 2016 |
Combustion structure of free and wall-impinging diesel jets by simultaneous laser-induced fluorescence of formaldehyde, poly-aromatic hydrocarbons, and hydroxides G Bruneaux International Journal of Engine Research 9 (3), 249-265, 2008 | 128 | 2008 |
Engine combustion network LM Pickett, G Bruneaux, R Payri Sandia National Laboratories, Livermore, CA, http://www. ca. sandia. gov/ecn, 2014 | 125 | 2014 |
Premixed flame–wall interaction in a turbulent channel flow: budget for the flame surface density evolution equation and modelling G Bruneaux, T Poinsot, JH Ferziger Journal of Fluid Mechanics 349, 191-219, 1997 | 123 | 1997 |
Mixing process in high pressure diesel jets by normalized laser induced exciplex fluorescence: Part i: Free jet G Bruneaux SAE transactions, 1444-1461, 2005 | 115 | 2005 |
Liquid and vapor spray structure in high-pressure common rail diesel injection G Bruneaux Atomization and Sprays 11 (5), 2001 | 98 | 2001 |
Mixing process in high pressure diesel jets by normalized laser induced exciplex fluorescence part II: wall impinging versus free jet G Bruneaux SAE transactions, 1404-1416, 2005 | 93 | 2005 |
Internal and near nozzle measurements of Engine Combustion Network “Spray G” gasoline direct injectors DJ Duke, AL Kastengren, KE Matusik, AB Swantek, CF Powell, R Payri, ... Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science 88, 608-621, 2017 | 92 | 2017 |
A progress review on soot experiments and modeling in the engine combustion network (ECN) SA Skeen, J Manin, LM Pickett, E Cenker, G Bruneaux, K Kondo, ... SAE International Journal of Engines 9 (2), 883-898, 2016 | 90 | 2016 |
Extension of lagrangian-eulerian spray modeling: Application to high pressure evaporating diesel sprays P Beard, JM Duclos, C Habchi, G Bruneaux, K Mokaddem, T Baritaud SAE transactions, 1417-1434, 2000 | 88 | 2000 |
Effect of methane on pilot-fuel auto-ignition in dual-fuel engines A Srna, M Bolla, YM Wright, K Herrmann, R Bombach, SS Pandurangi, ... Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 37 (4), 4741-4749, 2019 | 78 | 2019 |
On the origin of unburned hydrocarbon emissions in a wall guided, low NOx diesel combustion system JT Kashdan, S Mendez, G Bruneaux SAE Transactions, 234-257, 2007 | 76 | 2007 |
Study of the mixing and combustion processes of consecutive short double diesel injections G Bruneaux, D Maligne SAE international journal of engines 2 (1), 1151-1169, 2009 | 73 | 2009 |
Time-resolved fuel film thickness measurement for direct injection SI engines using refractive index matching D Maligne, G Bruneaux SAE Technical Paper, 2011 | 70 | 2011 |