Abraham Springer
Abraham Springer
在 nau.edu 的电子邮件经过验证
Spheres of discharge of springs
AE Springer, LE Stevens
Hydrogeology Journal 17 (1), 83, 2009
Degassing of mantle-derived CO2 and He from springs in the southern Colorado Plateau region—Neotectonic connections and implications for groundwater systems
LJ Crossey, KE Karlstrom, AE Springer, D Newell, DR Hilton, T Fischer
Geological Society of America Bulletin 121 (7-8), 1034-1053, 2009
Spatial and temporal variability of hydraulic conductivity in active reattachment bars of the Colorado River, Grand Canyon
AE Springer, WD Petroutson, BA Semmens
Groundwater 37 (3), 338-344, 1999
Planned flooding and Colorado River riparian trade-offs downstream from Glen Canyon Dam, Arizona
LE Stevens, TJ Ayers, JB Bennett, K Christensen, MJC Kearsley, ...
Ecological Applications 11 (3), 701-710, 2001
Groundwater dependent ecosystems: classification, identification techniques and threats
D Eamus, B Fu, AE Springer, LE Stevens
Integrated groundwater management: concepts, approaches and challenges, 313-346, 2016
A comprehensive springs classification system: integrating geomorphic, hydrogeochemical, and ecological criteria
AE Springer, LE Stevens, DE Anderson, RA Parnell, DK Kreamer, L Levin, ...
Aridland springs in North America: ecology and conservation. University of …, 2008
Springs ecosystem classification
LE Stevens, ER Schenk, AE Springer
Ecological Applications 31 (1), e2218, 2021
Ecohydrogeology: The interdisciplinary convergence needed to improve the study and stewardship of springs and other groundwater-dependent habitats, biota, and ecosystems
M Cantonati, LE Stevens, S Segadelli, AE Springer, N Goldscheider, ...
Ecological Indicators 110, 105803, 2020
Delineation of Traveltime‐Related Capture Areas of Wells Using Analytical Flow Models and Particle‐Tracking Analysis
ES Bair, AE Springer, GS Roadcap
Groundwater 29 (3), 387-397, 1991
Oases of the future? Springs as potential hydrologic refugia in drying climates
JM Cartwright, KA Dwire, Z Freed, SJ Hammer, B McLaughlin, LW Misztal, ...
Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment 18 (5), 245-253, 2020
Coupling groundwater and riparian vegetation models to assess effects of reservoir releases
AE Springer, JM Wright, PB Shafroth, JC Stromberg, DT Patten
Water Resources Research 35 (12), 3621-3630, 1999
Comparison of Methods Used to Delineate Capture Zones of Wells: 2. Stratified‐Drift Buried‐Valley Aquifer
AE Springer, ES Bair
Groundwater 30 (6), 908-917, 1992
Forest restoration as a strategy to mitigate climate impacts on wildfire, vegetation, and water in semiarid forests
FC O'Donnell, WT Flatley, AE Springer, PZ Fulé
Ecological Applications 28 (6), 1459-1472, 2018
Estimating the value of watershed services following forest restoration
JM Mueller, W Swaffar, EA Nielsen, AE Springer, SM Lopez
Water Resources Research 49 (4), 1773-1781, 2013
Urgent plea for global protection of springs
M Cantonati, RJ Fensham, LE Stevens, R Gerecke, DS Glazier, ...
Conservation Biology 35 (1), 378-382, 2021
Evapotranspiration comparisons between eddy covariance measurements and meteorological and remote‐sensing‐based models in disturbed ponderosa pine forests
W Ha, TE Kolb, AE Springer, S Dore, FC O'donnell, R Martinez Morales, ...
Ecohydrology 8 (7), 1335-1350, 2015
Can environmental attributes influence protected area designation? A case study valuing preferences for springs in Grand Canyon National Park
JM Mueller, RE Lima, AE Springer
Land Use Policy 63, 196-205, 2017
The distribution, flow, and quality of Grand Canyon Springs, Arizona (USA).
BW Tobin, AE Springer, DK Kreamer, E Schenk
Hydrogeology Journal 26 (3), 2018
Multi-scale analysis of snow dynamics at the southern margin of the North American continental snow distribution
T Sankey, J Donald, J McVay, M Ashley, F O'Donnell, SM Lopez, ...
Remote Sensing of Environment 169, 307-319, 2015
Local vs. Regional Groundwater Flow Delineation from Stable Isotopes at Western North America Springs
AE Springer, EM Boldt, KM Junghans
Groundwater 55 (1), 100-109, 2017
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