Game Theory, 616 pages D Fudenberg, J Tirole MIT Press, 1991 | 16547* | 1991 |
The theory of learning in games D Fudenberg, DK Levine MIT press, 1998 | 4848 | 1998 |
The folk theorem in repeated games with discounting or with incomplete information D Fudenberg, E Maskin A long-run collaboration on long-run games, 209-230, 2009 | 3513 | 2009 |
The fat-cat effect, the puppy-dog ploy, and the lean and hungry look D Fudenberg, J Tirole The American Economic Review 74 (2), 361-366, 1984 | 1582 | 1984 |
Emergence of cooperation and evolutionary stability in finite populations MA Nowak, A Sasaki, C Taylor, D Fudenberg Nature 428 (6983), 646-650, 2004 | 1560 | 2004 |
A dual-self model of impulse control D Fudenberg, DK Levine American economic review 96 (5), 1449-1476, 2006 | 1457 | 2006 |
Preemption and rent equalization in the adoption of new technology D Fudenberg, J Tirole The Review of Economic Studies 52 (3), 383-401, 1985 | 1411 | 1985 |
A theory of income and dividend smoothing based on incumbency rents D Fudenberg, J Tirole Journal of Political economy 103 (1), 75-93, 1995 | 1285 | 1995 |
Word-of-mouth communication and social learning G Ellison, D Fudenberg The Quarterly Journal of Economics 110 (1), 93-125, 1995 | 1232 | 1995 |
The folk theorem with imperfect public information D Fudenberg, D Levine, E Maskin A Long-Run Collaboration On Long-Run Games, 231-273, 2009 | 1224 | 2009 |
Rules of thumb for social learning G Ellison, D Fudenberg Journal of political Economy 101 (4), 612-643, 1993 | 1024 | 1993 |
Perfect Bayesian equilibrium and sequential equilibrium D Fudenberg, J Tirole journal of Economic Theory 53 (2), 236-260, 1991 | 960 | 1991 |
Preemption, leapfrogging and competition in patent races D Fudenberg, R Gilbert, J Stiglitz, J Tirole European Economic Review 22 (1), 3-31, 1983 | 897 | 1983 |
Winners don’t punish A Dreber, DG Rand, D Fudenberg, MA Nowak Nature 452 (7185), 348-351, 2008 | 890 | 2008 |
Customer poaching and brand switching D Fudenberg, J Tirole RAND Journal of Economics, 634-657, 2000 | 856 | 2000 |
Positive interactions promote public cooperation DG Rand, A Dreber, T Ellingsen, D Fudenberg, MA Nowak Science 325 (5945), 1272-1275, 2009 | 849 | 2009 |
Short-term contracts and long-term agency relationships D Fudenberg, B Holmstrom, P Milgrom Journal of economic theory 51 (1), 1-31, 1990 | 787 | 1990 |
Self-confirming equilibrium D Fudenberg, DK Levine Econometrica: Journal of the Econometric Society, 523-545, 1993 | 756 | 1993 |
A" signal-jamming" theory of predation D Fudenberg, J Tirole The RAND Journal of Economics, 366-376, 1986 | 746 | 1986 |
Learning mixed equilibria D Fudenberg, DM Kreps Games and economic behavior 5 (3), 320-367, 1993 | 723 | 1993 |