Linus Andersson
Linus Andersson
Swedish Institute for Social Research, Stockholm University
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Parity disparity: Educational differences in Nordic fertility across parities and number of reproductive partners
M Jalovaara, L Andersson, A Miettinen
Population Studies 76 (1), 119-136, 2022
Fertility decline, fertility reversal and changing childbearing considerations in Sweden: A turn to subjective imaginations?
G Neyer, G Andersson, J Dahlberg, S Ohlsson Wijk, L Andersson, ...
Stockholm Research Reports in Demography, 2022
State-of-the-art Report: Effects of Family Forms and Dynamics on Children's Well-being and Life Chances: Literature Review
F Bernardi, J Härkönen, D Boertien
Families And Societies Project Working Papers Series, 2013
The Swedish kinship universe: A demographic account of the number of children, parents, siblings, grandchildren, grandparents, aunts/uncles, nieces/nephews, and cousins using …
M Kolk, L Andersson, E Pettersson, S Drefahl
Demography 60 (5), 1359-1385, 2023
Gender, family life course and attitudes towards divorce in Sweden
L Andersson
Acta sociologica 59 (1), 51-67, 2016
Lifetime parenthood in the context of single-and multiple-partner fertility
L Andersson
Advances in Life Course Research 47, 100355, 2021
Online distance education and transition to parenthood among female university students in Sweden
L Andersson
European Journal of Population 35 (4), 795-823, 2019
A register-based account of period trends in union prevalence, entries, and exits by educational level for men and women in Finland
M Jalovaara, L Andersson
Demographic Research 48, 373-386, 2023
Less is more? Repartnering and completed cohort fertility in Finland
L Andersson, M Jalovaara, C Uggla, J Saarela
Demography 59 (6), 2321-2339, 2022
Kinship and socio-economic status: Social gradients in frequencies of kin across the life course in Sweden
L Andersson, M Kolk
Population Studies, 1-22, 2023
Oh half-brother, where art thou? The boundaries of full-and half-sibling interaction
L Andersson
Demographic Research 43, 431-460, 2020
The Role of Gender Differences in Partnering and Re-partnering for Gender Differences in Completed Fertility
L Andersson
Population Research and Policy Review 42 (2), 17, 2023
Less is more or more is more? Union dissolution and re-partnering as an engine for fertility in a demographic forerunner context–a register based completed cohort fertility …
L Andersson, M Jalovaara, C Uggla, J Saarela
OSF, 2022
A novel macro perspective on family dynamics: The contribution of partnership contexts of births to cohort fertility rates
L Andersson
Population and Development Review 49 (3), 617-649, 2023
A register-based account of period trends in partnership prevalence, entries, and exits by educational level for men and women in Finland
M Jalovaara, L Andersson
SocArXiv, 2022
Nationwide study of trends in physician partner choice for childbearing unions
L Andersson, M Chudnovskaya, R Shahbazian, C Ghaznavi, P Ueda
Journal of Internal Medicine 292 (1), 165, 2022
Do the formative aspects of education really matter for educational assortative mating? Cues from a natural experiment
L Andersson
Research in Social Stratification and Mobility 64, 100435, 2019
A matter of time: Bateman's principles and mating success as count and duration across social strata in contemporary Finland
L Andersson, M Jalovaara, J Saarela, C Uggla
Proceedings of the Royal Society B 290 (2002), 20231061, 2023
The contribution of partnership contexts of births to cohort fertility rates
L Andersson
Stockholm Research Reports in Demography, 2022
Cohort Fertility and Couple Educational Pairing
L Andersson, N Nitsche, M Jalovaara
Stockholm Research Reports in Demography, 2024
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