Sergey Leonov
Sergey Leonov
在 nd.edu 的电子邮件经过验证
Dynamics of near-surface electric discharges and mechanisms of their interaction with the airflow
SB Leonov, IV Adamovich, VR Soloviev
Plasma Sources Science and Technology 25 (6), 063001, 2016
Plasma-induced ignition and plasma-assisted combustion in high-speed flow
SB Leonov, DA Yarantsev
Plasma Sources Science and Technology 16 (1), 132, 2006
Near-surface electrical discharge in supersonic airflow: properties and flow control
SB Leonov, DA Yarantsev
Journal of propulsion and power 24 (6), 1168-1181, 2008
Plasma-assisted combustion of gaseous fuel in supersonic duct
SB Leonov, DA Yarantsev, AP Napartovich, IV Kochetov
IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science 34 (6), 2514-2525, 2006
Plasma control of shock wave configuration in off-design mode of M = 2 inlet
F Falempin, AA Firsov, DA Yarantsev, MA Goldfeld, K Timofeev, ...
Experiments in Fluids 56, 1-10, 2015
Mechanisms of flow control by near-surface electrical discharge generation
S Leonov, D Yarantsev, V Gromov, A Kuriachy
43rd AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting and Exhibit, 780, 2005
Dynamics of energy coupling and thermalization in barrier discharges over dielectric and weakly conducting surfaces on µs to ms time scales
SB Leonov, V Petrishchev, IV Adamovich
Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 47 (46), 465201, 2014
Plasma-enhanced mixing and flameholding in supersonic flow
A Firsov, KV Savelkin, DA Yarantsev, SB Leonov
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical …, 2015
Effect of electrical discharge on separation processes and shocks position in supersonic airflow
S Leonov, V Bityurin, K Savelkin, D Yarantsev
40th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting & Exhibit, 355, 2002
Experiments on electrically controlled flameholding on a plane wall in a supersonic airflow
S Leonov, D Yarantsev, C Carter
Journal of Propulsion and Power 25 (2), 289-294, 2009
Ignition and flameholding in a supersonic combustor by an electrical discharge combined with a fuel injector
KV Savelkin, DA Yarantsev, IV Adamovich, SB Leonov
Combustion and Flame 162 (3), 825-835, 2015
Assessment of a concept of advanced flow/flight control for hypersonic flights in atmosphere
V Bityurin, A Klimov, S Leonov, A Bocharov, J Lineberry
9th International Space Planes and Hypersonic Systems and Technologies …, 1999
Quasi-DC electrical discharge characterization in a supersonic flow
A Houpt, B Hedlund, S Leonov, T Ombrello, C Carter
Experiments in Fluids 58, 1-17, 2017
Plasma-assisted ignition and flameholding in high-speed flow
S Leonov, D Yarantsev, A Napartovich, I Kochetov
44th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting and Exhibit, 563, 2006
Measurements of the temperature and water vapor concentration in a hot zone by tunable diode laser absorption spectrometry
S Leonov
Appl. Phys. B 100, 397, 2010
The effect of plasma induced separation
S Leonov, V Bityurin, D Yarantsev, A Youriev
34th AIAA Plasmadynamics and Lasers Conference, 3853, 2003
Plasma-induced ethylene ignition and flameholding in confined supersonic air flow at low temperatures
SB Leonov, IV Kochetov, AP Napartovich, VA Sabel'Nikov, DA Yarantsev
IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science 39 (2), 781-787, 2010
Femtosecond laser guiding of a high-voltage discharge and the restoration of dielectric strength in air and nitrogen
SB Leonov, AA Firsov, MA Shurupov, JB Michael, MN Shneider, RB Miles, ...
Physics of Plasmas 19 (12), 2012
Electrically driven supersonic combustion
SB Leonov
Energies 11 (7), 1733, 2018
Studies of nanosecond pulse surface ionization wave discharges over solid and liquid dielectric surfaces
V Petrishchev, S Leonov, IV Adamovich
Plasma Sources Science and Technology 23 (6), 065022, 2014
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