Stefano de Luca
Modelling users’ behaviour in inter-urban carsharing program: A stated preference approach
S De Luca, R Di Pace
Transportation research part A: policy and practice 71, 59-76, 2015
Multilayer feedforward networks for transportation mode choice analysis: An analysis and a comparison with random utility models
GE Cantarella, S de Luca
Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies 13 (2), 121-155, 2005
Public engagement in strategic transportation planning: An analytic hierarchy process based approach
S De Luca
Transport policy 33, 110-124, 2014
A random utility model for park & carsharing services and the pure preference for electric vehicles
A Cartenì, E Cascetta, S de Luca
Transport Policy 48, 49-59, 2016
Tactical and strategic planning for a container terminal: Modelling issues within a discrete event simulation approach
A Cartenì, S De Luca
Simulation Modelling Practice and Theory 21 (1), 123-145, 2012
Modelling airport choice behaviour for direct flights, connecting flights and different travel plans
S de Luca
Journal of Transport Geography 22, 148-163, 2012
Stochastic equilibrium assignment with variable demand: theoretical and implementation issues
GE Cantarella, A Cartenì, S de Luca
European Journal of Operational Research 241 (2), 330-347, 2015
Modelling the propensity in adhering to a carsharing system: a behavioral approach
S De Luca, R Di Pace
Transportation Research Procedia 3, 866-875, 2014
Network Signal Setting Design: meta-heuristic optimisation methods
GE Cantarella, S De Luca, R Di Pace, S Memoli
Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies 55, 24-45, 2015
Modeling transportation mode choice through artificial neural networks
GE Cantarella, S de Luca
Fourth International Symposium on Uncertainty Modeling and Analysis, 2003 …, 2003
Network signal setting design with stage sequence optimisation
S Memoli, GE Cantarella, S de Luca, R Di Pace
Transportation Research Part B: Methodological 100, 20-42, 2017
Dynamics and Stochasticity in Transportation Systems: Tools for Transportation Network Modelling
GE Cantarella, D Watling, S De Luca, R Di Pace
Elsevier, 2019
A multi-scale modelling architecture for estimating of transport mode choice induced by a new railway connection: The Salerno-University of Salerno-Mercato San Severino Route
S DE LUCA, A Cartenì
Ingegneria Ferroviaria 68, 447-473, 2013
Validation and comparison of choice models
S de Luca, GE Cantarella
Travel Demand Management and Road User Pricing, 37-58, 2016
Modelling the adoption intention and installation choice of an automotive after-market mild-solar-hybridization kit
S de Luca, R Di Pace, V Marano
Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies 56, 426-445, 2015
Evaluation of travel demand management policies in the urban area of Naples
S de Luca, A Papola
WIT Transactions on The Built Environment 52, 2001
Sustainable traffic management in an urban area: An integrated framework for real-time traffic control and route guidance design
S De Luca, R Di Pace, S Memoli, L Pariota
Sustainability 12 (2), 726, 2020
Analysis and modelling the effects of information accuracy on travellers' behaviour
GN Bifulco, GE Cantarella, S de Luca, R Di Pace
2011 14th International IEEE Conference on Intelligent Transportation …, 2011
Approaches for solving the stochastic equilibrium assignment with variable demand: internal vs. external solution algorithms
GE Cantarella, S de Luca, M Di Gangi, R Di Pace
Optimization Methods and Software 30 (2), 338-364, 2015
Modelling passenger departure airport choice: implicit vs. explicit approaches
S de Luca, R Di Pace
Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences 54, 875-885, 2012
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