Marien Simeni Simeni
Marien Simeni Simeni
Assistant Professor of Mechanical Engineering, University of Minnesota
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Electric field distribution in a surface plasma flow actuator powered by ns discharge pulse trains
MS Simeni, Y Tang, K Frederickson, IV Adamovich
Plasma Sources Science and Technology 27 (10), 104001, 2018
Electric field measurements in a nanosecond pulse discharge in atmospheric air
MS Simeni, BM Goldberg, C Zhang, K Frederickson, WR Lempert, ...
Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 50 (18), 184002, 2017
Measurements of electric field in an atmospheric pressure helium plasma jet by the E-FISH method
K Orr, Y Tang, MS Simeni, D Van Den Bekerom, IV Adamovich
Plasma Sources Science and Technology 29 (3), 035019, 2020
Electric field in Ns pulse and AC electric discharges in a hydrogen diffusion flame
MS Simeni, Y Tang, YC Hung, Z Eckert, K Frederickson, IV Adamovich
Combustion and Flame 197, 254-264, 2018
Time-resolved electron density and electron temperature measurements in nanosecond pulse discharges in helium
A Roettgen, I Shkurenkov, MS Simeni, V Petrishchev, IV Adamovich, ...
Plasma Sources Science and Technology 25 (5), 055009, 2016
Electric field dynamics in an atmospheric pressure helium plasma jet impinging on a substrate
M Mirzaee, M Simeni Simeni, PJ Bruggeman
Physics of Plasmas 27 (12), 2020
Sub-nanosecond resolution electric field measurements during ns pulse breakdown in ambient air
MS Simeni, B Goldberg, I Gulko, K Frederickson, IV Adamovich
Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 51 (1), 01LT01, 2017
Electron density and electron temperature measurements in nanosecond pulse discharges over liquid water surface
MS Simeni, A Roettgen, V Petrishchev, K Frederickson, IV Adamovich
Plasma Sources Science and Technology 25 (6), 064005, 2016
Counterflow diffusion flame oscillations induced by ns pulse electric discharge waveforms
Y Tang, MS Simeni, K Frederickson, Q Yao, IV Adamovich
Combustion and Flame 206, 239-248, 2019
Characterization of an RF-driven argon plasma at atmospheric pressure using broadband absorption and optical emission spectroscopy
G Nayak, M Simeni Simeni, J Rosato, N Sadeghi, PJ Bruggeman
Journal of Applied Physics 128 (24), 2020
Electric field measurements in nanosecond pulse discharges in air over liquid water surface
MS Simeni, E Baratte, C Zhang, K Frederickson, IV Adamovich
Plasma Sources Science and Technology 27 (1), 015011, 2018
Townsend to glow discharge transition for a nanosecond pulse plasma in helium: space charge formation and resulting electric field dynamics
MS Simeni, Y Zheng, EV Barnat, PJ Bruggeman
Plasma Sources Science and Technology 30 (5), 055004, 2021
Time-resolved electron temperature and electron density measurements in a nanosecond pulse filament discharge in H2–He and O2–He mixtures
A Roettgen, I Shkurenkov, MS Simeni, IV Adamovich, WR Lempert
Plasma Sources Science and Technology 25 (5), 055008, 2016
High-spatial resolution measurements of NO density and temperature by Mid-IR QCLAS in open-air confined plasmas
MS Simeni, CO Laux, GD Stancu
Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 50 (27), 274004, 2017
Ps four-wave mixing measurements of electric field in a ns pulse discharge in a hydrogen diffusion flame
MS Simeni, E Baratte, YC Hung, K Frederickson, IV Adamovich
Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 37 (2), 1497-1504, 2019
Self-organized patterns at the plasma–liquid anode interface in a helium glow discharge: temporal development and mechanisms
T Srivastava, MS Simeni, G Nayak, PJ Bruggeman
Plasma Sources Science and Technology 31 (8), 085010, 2022
Non-premixed counterflow methane flames in DC/AC/NS electric fields
Y Tang, MS Simeni, Q Yao, IV Adamovich
Combustion and Flame 240, 112051, 2022
Absolute OH density and gas temperature measurements by laser induced fluorescence in a microsecond pulsed discharge generated in a conductive NaCl solution
J Wang, MS Simeni, M Rong, PJ Bruggeman
Plasma Sources Science and Technology 30 (7), 075016, 2021
Study of nitric oxide and carbon monoxide production in plasma assisted combustion by quantum cascade laser absorption spectroscopy
GD Stancu, MS Simeni, CO Laux
Proc. of the 21st ISPC (Cairns, Australia, 2013
Hollow plasma structure during the breakdown phase of nanosecond pulsed pin–pin discharges generated with overvoltage
CJ Chen, MS Simeni, SZ Li, EV Barnat, PJ Bruggeman
Plasma Sources Science and Technology 29 (3), 035020, 2020
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