Michael Bittman
Michael Bittman
Emeritus Professor Sociology, BCSS, University of New England
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When does gender trump money? Bargaining and time in household work
M Bittman, P England, L Sayer, N Folbre, G Matheson
American Journal of sociology 109 (1), 186-214, 2003
The rush hour: The character of leisure time and gender equity
M Bittman, J Wajcman
Social forces 79 (1), 165-189, 2000
Families without borders: Mobile phones, connectedness and work-home divisions
J Wajcman, M Bittman, JE Brown
Sociology 42 (4), 635-652, 2008
The double life of the family: myth, hope and experience
M Bittman
Routledge, 2020
Family time: The social organization of care
N Folbre, M Bittman
Psychology Press, 2004
Introducing the longitudinal study of Australian children
AV Sanson, J Nicholson, J Ungerer, S Zubrick, K Wilson, J Ainley, ...
Australian Institute of Family Studies, 2002
Exit, voice, and suffering: Do couples adapt to changing employment patterns?
J Gershuny, M Bittman, J Brice
Journal of marriage and family 67 (3), 656-665, 2005
Digital natives? New and old media and children's outcomes
M Bittman, L Rutherford, J Brown, L Unsworth
Australian journal of education 55 (2), 161-175, 2011
The time-pressure illusion: Discretionary time vs. free time
RE Goodin, JM Rice, M Bittman, P Saunders
Social indicators research 73, 43-70, 2005
Juggling time: How Australian families use time
M Bittman
AGPS, 1992
Time demands of caring for children with autism: What are the implications for maternal mental health?
MG Sawyer, M Bittman, AM La Greca, AD Crettenden, TF Harchak, ...
Journal of autism and developmental disorders 40, 620-628, 2010
Do working mothers raise couch potato kids? Maternal employment and children's lifestyle behaviours and weight in early childhood
JE Brown, DH Broom, JM Nicholson, M Bittman
Social science & medicine 70 (11), 1816-1824, 2010
The mobile phone, perpetual contact and time pressure
M Bittman, JE Brown, J Wajcman
Work, employment and society 23 (4), 673-691, 2009
Appliances and their impact: the ownership of domestic technology and time spent on household work
M Bittman, JM Rice, J Wajcman
The British Journal of Sociology 55 (3), 401-423, 2004
How long is the second (plus first) shift? Gender differences in paid, unpaid, and total work time in Australia and the United States
LC Sayer, P England, M Bittman, SM Bianchi
Journal of Comparative Family Studies 40 (4), 523-545, 2009
The impact of caring on informal carers' employment, income and earnings: a longitudinal approach
M Bittman, T Hill, C Thomson
Australian Journal of Social Issues 42 (2), 255-272, 2007
Parenthood without penalty: Time use and public policy in Australia and Finland
M Bittman
Feminist economics 5 (3), 27-42, 1999
Time demands of caring for children with cerebral palsy: what are the implications for maternal mental health?
MG Sawyer, M Bittman, AM La Greca, AD Crettenden, N Borojevic, ...
Developmental Medicine & Child Neurology 53 (4), 338-343, 2011
Mothers and fathers with young children: Paid employment, caring and wellbeing
J Baxter, M Gray, M Alexander, L Strazdins, M Bittman
FaHCSIA Social Policy Research Paper, 2007
Advances in population surveillance for physical activity and sedentary behavior: reliability and validity of time use surveys
HP Van Der Ploeg, D Merom, JY Chau, M Bittman, SG Trost, AE Bauman
American journal of epidemiology 172 (10), 1199-1206, 2010
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