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Indonesian National growth reference charts better reflect height and weight of children in West Java, Indonesia, than WHO child growth standards
N Novina, M Hermanussen, C Scheffler, AB Pulungan, YD Ismiarto, ...
Journal of Clinical Research in Pediatric Endocrinology 12 (4), 410, 2020
The efficacy of flavonoid antioxidant from chocolate: bean extract: prevention of myocyte damage caused by reperfusion injury in predominantly anaerobic sports
HN Rasyid, YD Ismiarto, R Prasetia
Malaysian orthopaedic journal 6 (3), 3, 2012
Comparison of interobserver reliability between junior and senior resident in assessment of developmental dysplasia of the hip severity using Tonnis and international hip …
YD Ismiarto, P Agradi, ZN Helmi
Malaysian orthopaedic journal 13 (3), 60, 2019
Efek Pemberian Meloxicam Yang Diberikan Selama Fase Inflamasi Terhadap Proses Penyembuhan Tulang Tikus Paska Open Reduction Internal Fixation K-Wire Dinilai Secara Radiologis
T Pinandita, D Ismono, YD Ismiarto, MR Chaidir
Jurnal Sistem Kesehatan 3 (3), 135-141, 2018
Prognostic factors for lower extremity amputation in diabetic foot ulcer patients
A Kurniawati, YD Ismiarto, IL Hsu
Journal of Acute Medicine 9 (2), 59, 2019
Complications of fracture treatment by traditional bonesetters in West Java, Indonesia
PL Warman, YD Ismiarto, U Ruhimat
Althea Medical Journal 5 (1), 47-52, 2018
The male osteoporosis risk estimation score and the osteoporosis self-assessment screening tool for Indonesian men
Y Fransiska, B Tiksnadi, R Chaidir, YD Ismiarto
Journal of Orthopaedic Surgery 20 (2), 205-208, 2012
Relationship of ACL injury with posterior tibial slope, intercondylar notch width ratio, age, and sex
BH Priono, GA Utoyo, YD Ismiarto
Journal Orthopaedi and Traumatology Surabaya 7 (2), 106-113, 2018
Analysis of radiological alignment and functional outcomes of pediatric patients after surgery with displaced supracondylar humerus fracture: A cross-sectional study
MI Kitta, YD Ismiarto, MR Saleh, M Sakti, MA Abidin, LT Putra
International Journal of Surgery Open 24, 136-142, 2020
Survey Penyebab Kematian Berdasarkan Prosedur Advance Trauma Life Support (ATLS) pada Pasien Multiple Trauma di Instalasi Gawat Darurat (IGD) Bedah Rumah Sakit Hasan Sadikin …
G Ramadiputra, YD Ismiarto, H Herman
Syifa'MEDIKA: Jurnal Kedokteran dan Kesehatan 9 (1), 10-15, 2019
Efficacy and safety of intra-articular botulinum toxin A injection for knee osteoarthritis: a systematic review, meta-analysis, and meta-regression of clinical trials
YD Ismiarto, GT Prasetiyo
JBJS Open Access 8 (1), e22, 2023
The role of suprascapular nerve block in hydrodilatation for frozen shoulder
R Albana, R Prasetia, A Primadhi, AH Rahim, YD Ismiarto, HN Rasyid
SICOT-J 8, 2022
Hubungan Indeks Massa Tubuh dengan Usia Menarche Siswi Sekolah Dasar Kelas 4–6 di Kecamatan Sukajadi
AN Maulidya, YD Ismiarto, W Mayasari
Jurnal Sistem Kesehatan 3 (4), 160-168, 2018
Relationship between nutritional status and flat foot in children
JPP Fung, YD Ismiarto, W Mayasari
Althea Medical Journal 4 (1), 152-156, 2017
Secretome of hypoxia-preconditioned mesenchymal stem cells enhance the expression of HIF-1a and bFGF in a rotator cuff tear model
M Fredianto, H Herman, YD Ismiarto, A Putra, I Alif, ND Amalina, ...
Med Glas (Zenica) 20 (2), 242-248, 2023
Pediatric neglected distal femoral fracture with growth arrest
H Muhammad, MR Filza, AB Siwendro, YD Ismiarto
International Journal of Surgery Case Reports 93, 106929, 2022
Hubungan antara Spastisitas Pergelangan Kaki dengan Kualitas Hidup pada Anak dengan Cerebral Palsy Tipe Spastik Quadriplegia
H Ismunandar, YD Ismiarto
Jurnal Sistem Kesehatan 4 (1), 7-12, 2018
Histopathological Effects of Omega-3 in Reducing Cartilage Destruction Progression in Mice with Knee Joint Osteoarthritis
F Farry, YD Ismiarto, MR Chaidir, D Ismono
Majalah Kedokteran Bandung 52 (2), 107-112, 2020
Karakteristik Pasien dengan Osteosarkoma Pada Ekstremitas di Rumah Sakit Umum Pusat dr. Hasan Sadikin Bandung Periode Januari-Desember 2014
YD Ismiarto, GL Sitanggang
trauma 2, 6, 2019
Perbandingan Pengaruh LIDC yang dikombinasi dengan Argentum dan Antibiotik untuk Proses Penyembuhan Luka terinfeksi
YD Ismiarto, A Kurniawati, AD Pardamean
JSK 4 (1), 20-23, 2018
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