Sophie A. Kitchen
Sophie A. Kitchen
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Risk factors for misuse of prescribed opioids: a systematic review and meta-analysis
A Cragg, JP Hau, SA Woo, SA Kitchen, C Liu, MM Doyle-Waters, CM Hohl
Annals of emergency medicine 74 (5), 634-646, 2019
Effectiveness of a fourth dose of covid-19 mRNA vaccine against the omicron variant among long term care residents in Ontario, Canada: test negative design study
R Grewal, SA Kitchen, L Nguyen, SA Buchan, SE Wilson, AP Costa, ...
Bmj 378, 2022
Measuring the burden of opioid-related mortality in Ontario, Canada, during the COVID-19 pandemic
T Gomes, SA Kitchen, R Murray
JAMA Network Open 4 (5), e2112865-e2112865, 2021
Association between increased dispensing of opioid agonist therapy take-home doses and opioid overdose and treatment interruption and discontinuation
T Gomes, TJ Campbell, SA Kitchen, R Garg, N Bozinoff, S Men, ...
Jama 327 (9), 846-855, 2022
Clinical outcomes and health care costs among people entering a safer opioid supply program in Ontario
T Gomes, G Kolla, D McCormack, A Sereda, S Kitchen, T Antoniou
CMAJ 194 (36), E1233-E1242, 2022
Trends in hospitalizations for serious infections among people with opioid use disorder in Ontario, Canada
T Gomes, SA Kitchen, L Tailor, S Men, R Murray, AM Bayoumi, ...
Journal of Addiction Medicine 16 (4), 433-439, 2022
Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the provision of take-home doses of opioid agonist therapy in Ontario, Canada: A population-based time-series analysis
SA Kitchen, TJ Campbell, S Men, N Bozinoff, M Tadrous, T Antoniou, ...
International Journal of Drug Policy 103, 103644, 2022
The effects of COVID‐19 on the dispensing rates of antidepressants and benzodiazepines in Canada
S Uthayakumar, M Tadrous, SN Vigod, SA Kitchen, T Gomes
Depression and Anxiety 39 (2), 156-162, 2022
Preliminary patterns in circumstances surrounding opioid-related deaths in Ontario during the COVID-19 pandemic
T Gomes
Ontario Drug Policy Research Network, 2020
Vaccine effectiveness of BNT162b2 against delta and omicron variants in adolescents
SA Buchan, L Nguyen, SE Wilson, SA Kitchen, JC Kwong
Pediatrics 150 (3), e2022057634, 2022
Effectiveness of a fourth dose of COVID-19 vaccine among long-term care residents in Ontario, Canada: test-negative design study
R Grewal, SA Kitchen, L Nguyen, SA Buchan, SE Wilson, AP Costa, ...
medRxiv, 2022.04. 15.22273846, 2022
Emergency department-based medication review on outpatient health services utilization: interrupted time series
SA Kitchen, K McGrail, ME Wickham, MR Law, CM Hohl
BMC Health Services Research 20, 1-10, 2020
Trends and outcomes of serious complications associated with non-fatal opioid overdoses in Ontario, Canada
SA Kitchen, D McCormack, D Werb, A Caudarella, D Martins, FI Matheson, ...
Drug and alcohol dependence 225, 108830, 2021
Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the prevalence of opioid agonist therapy discontinuation in Ontario, Canada: A population-based time series analysis
R Garg, SA Kitchen, S Men, TJ Campbell, N Bozinoff, M Tadrous, ...
Drug and Alcohol Dependence 236, 109459, 2022
Patterns of medication and healthcare use among people who died of an opioid-related toxicity during the COVID-19 pandemic in Ontario
T Gomes, R Murray, G Kolla, P Leece, S Kitchen, T Campbell, J Besharah, ...
Toronto, ON, 2022
Projected impact of biosimilar substitution policies on drug use and costs in Ontario, Canada: a cross-sectional time series analysis
T Gomes, D McCormack, SA Kitchen, JM Paterson, MM Mamdani, ...
Canadian Medical Association Open Access Journal 9 (4), E1055-E1062, 2021
Trends in rates of opioid agonist treatment and opioid-related deaths for youths in Ontario, Canada, 2013-2021
T Rosic, G Kolla, P Leece, S Kitchen, T Gomes
JAMA Network Open 6 (7), e2321947-e2321947, 2023
Lives lost to opioid toxicity among Ontarians who worked in the construction industry
T Gomes, A Iacono, G Kolla, E Nunez, P Leece, T Wang, T Campbell, ...
On behalf of: The Ontario Drug Policy Research Network, The Office of the …, 2022
Vaccine effectiveness of BNT162b2 against Omicron and Delta outcomes in adolescents
SA Buchan, L Nguyen, SE Wilson, SA Kitchen, JC Kwong
medRxiv, 2022.04. 07.22273319, 2022
Effect of listing strategies on utilization of antitumor necrosis factor biologics infliximab and etanercept: a cross-sectional analysis from Ontario, Canada
J Fenna, D McCormack, S Kitchen, D Martins, T Gomes, M Tadrous
Journal of Managed Care & Specialty Pharmacy 27 (4), 444-452, 2021
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