P. Campoy-Muñoz (https://orcid.org/ 0000-0003-4163-3907)
P. Campoy-Muñoz (https://orcid.org/ 0000-0003-4163-3907)
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Economic impact assessment of food waste reduction on European countries through social accounting matrices
P Campoy-Muñoz, MA Cardenete, MC Delgado
Resources, Conservation and Recycling 122, 202-209, 2017
Addressing the EU sovereign ratings using an ordinal regression approach
F Fernandez-Navarro, P Campoy-Munoz, C Hervas-Martinez, X Yao
IEEE transactions on cybernetics 43 (6), 2228-2240, 2013
Assessing the economic impact of a cultural heritage site using social accounting matrices: The case of the Mosque-Cathedral of Cordoba
P Campoy-Munoz, MA Cardenete, MC Delgado
Tourism Economics 23 (4), 874-881, 2017
Economic impact assessment of small-scale sporting events using Social Accounting Matrices: an application to the Spanish Football League
L Amador, P Campoy-Muñoz, MA Cardenete, MC Delgado
Journal of Policy Research in Tourism, Leisure and Events 9 (3), 230-246, 2017
Non-linear multiclassifier model based on Artificial Intelligence to predict research and development performance in European countries
M de la Paz-Marín, P Campoy-Muñoz, C Hervás-Martínez
Technological Forecasting and Social Change 79 (9), 1731-1745, 2012
Valoración del impacto de la industria automotriz en la economía mexicana: una aproximación mediante matrices de contabilidad social
CM Garcia-Remigio, MA Cardenete, P Campoy-Muñoz, ...
El trimestre económico 87 (346), 437-461, 2020
Food losses and waste: a needed assessment for future policies
P Campoy-Muñoz, MA Cardenete, MC Delgado, F Sancho
International journal of environmental research and public health 18 (21), 11586, 2021
A guided data projection technique for classification of sovereign ratings: The case of European Union 27
J Sánchez-Monedero, P Campoy-Munoz, PA Gutiérrez, ...
Applied Soft Computing 22, 339-350, 2014
Análisis estructural a través de Matrices de Contabilidad Social: una aplicación a la economía andaluza para el período 2005-2010
P Campoy-Muñoz, MA Cardenete, MC Delgado
Revista Perspectiva Socioeconómica 1 (1), 7-28, 2015
Impacto Económico de una reducción del IRPF en Andalucía a través de un Modelo de Equilibrio General Aplicado
MDP Campoy Muñoz, MA Cardenete Flores, MC Delgado López
Impacto económico de alternativas de inversión para el sistema de pensiones en México
LM Centeno Cruz, P Campoy Muñoz, G Ángeles Castro
Ensayos. Revista de economía 38 (1), 87-134, 2019
Análise do Sistema Produtivo Brasileiro em 2005 e 2011 a Partir de Matrizes de Contabilidade Social
L Viggiano, F Perobelli, P Campoy-Muñoz, MA Cardenete
RPER, 7-25, 2017
Addressing remitting behavior using an ordinal classification approach
P Campoy-Muñoz, PA Gutiérrez, C Hervás-Martínez
Expert Systems with Applications 41 (10), 4752-4761, 2014
Strategic sectors and employment during the crisis: The case of Andalusia
MDP Campoy Muñoz, MA Cardenete Flores, MC Delgado López
Revista de métodos cuantitativos para la economía y la empresa 20, 25-52, 2015
Impacto económico del sector joyero cordobés en la economía provincial
MA Cardenete Flores, MDP Campoy Muñoz
Effects of a reduction in employers' social security contributions: Evidence from Spain
MDP Campoy Muñoz, MA Cardenete Flores, MC Delgado López, ...
Economics Discussion Papers, 2016
A Multi-objective Evolutionary Algorithm for enhancing Bayesian networks hybrid-based modeling
CR Garcia-Alonso, P Campoy-Munoz, MS Ordoñez
Computers & Mathematics with Applications 66 (10), 1971-1980, 2013
How does fiscal austerity impact on poverty and inequality? The Spanish case
P Campoy-Muñoz, MA Cardenete, FJD Miguel-Vélez, J Pérez-Mayo
Economia Politica 39 (3), 715-737, 2022
A SAM Approach for the Analysis of Small-Scale Forestry-Based Activities: a Case Study of a Landowner Cooperative for Non-wooded Products from Pinus pinea L. in Southern Spain
P Campoy-Muñoz, MA Cardenete, PP Pérez-Hernández, ...
Small-scale Forestry 21 (2), 249-273, 2022
The economic impact of COVID-19 on cultural tourism: the case of Mosque-Cathedral of Cordoba, Spain
P Campoy-Muñoz, MA Cardenete, MC Delgado, JM Arjona-Fuentes
Current Issues in Tourism 26 (19), 3085-3090, 2023
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