Yu-Ching chiao
Yu-Ching chiao
在 nchu.edu.tw 的电子邮件经过验证
An integrated model for the effects of perceived product, perceived service quality, and perceived price fairness on consumer satisfaction and loyalty
LT Bei, YC Chiao
Journal of consumer satisfaction, dissatisfaction and complaining behavior …, 2001
Performance, internationalization, and firm-specific advantages of SMEs in a newly-industrialized economy
YC Chiao, KP Yang, CMJ Yu
Small Business Economics 26, 475-492, 2006
The determinants of customer loyalty: an analysis of intangible factors in three service industries
LT Bei, YC Chiao
International Journal of Commerce and Management 16 (3/4), 162-177, 2006
Understanding the antecedents to customer loyalty by applying structural equation modeling
K Yieh, YC Chiao, YK Chiu
Total quality management & business excellence 18 (3), 267-284, 2007
Developing collective customer knowledge and service climate: The interaction between service-oriented high-performance work systems and service leadership.
K Jiang, CH Chuang, YC Chiao
Journal of Applied Psychology 100 (4), 1089, 2015
Perceived quality, customer satisfaction, and customer loyalty: The case of Lexus in Taiwan
CJ Yu, LY Wu, YC Chiao, HS Tai
Total Quality Management & Business Excellence 16 (6), 707-719, 2005
Choosing between wholly‐owned subsidiaries and joint ventures of MNCs from an emerging market
YC Chiao, FY Lo, CM Yu
International Marketing Review 27 (3), 338-365, 2010
Subsidiary size, internationalization, product diversification, and performance in an emerging market
YC Chiao, CMJ Yu, PY Li, YC Chen
International Marketing Review 25 (6), 612-633, 2008
Effect of auricular acupressure on peri‐and early postmenopausal women with anxiety: a double‐blinded, randomized, and controlled pilot study
CL Kao, CH Chen, WY Lin, YC Chiao, CL Hsieh
Evidence‐Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine 2012 (1), 567639, 2012
Network effect and subsidiary autonomy in multinational corporations: An investigation of Taiwanese subsidiaries
YC Chiao, KP Ying
International Business Review 22 (4), 652-662, 2013
The relationship between R&D investment and firm profitability under a three-stage sigmoid curve model: evidence from an emerging economy
KP Yang, YC Chiao, CC Kuo
IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management 57 (1), 103-117, 2009
Does the length of a customer–provider relationship really matter?
YC Chiao, YK Chiu, JL Guan
The Service Industries Journal 28 (5), 649-667, 2008
Developing the skills for international business management—The implications of the management education opportunity grid
CMJ Yu, JL Guan, KP Yang, YC Chiao
Journal of Teaching in International Business 16 (4), 5-26, 2005
Internationalization, intangible assets and Taiwanese SMEs' performance: Evidence of an Asian newly-industrialized economy
YC Chiao, KP Yang
African Journal of Business Management 5 (3), 641, 2011
Partner nationality, market-focus and IJV performance: A contingent approach
YC Chiao, CMJ Yu, JTA Peng
Journal of World Business 44 (3), 238-249, 2009
Local linkages and their effects on headquarters' use of process controls
CMJ Yu, HC Wong, YC Chiao
Journal of Business Research 59 (12), 1239-1247, 2006
Identifying competitive strategies to improve the performance of hospitals in a competitive environment
CH Chang, YC Chiao, Y Tsai
BMC health services research 17, 1-10, 2017
Network and institutional effects on SMEs’ entry strategies
FY Lo, YC Chiao, CMJ Yu
Management International Review 56, 531-563, 2016
The impact of internationalisation and proprietary assets on firm performance: an empirical analysis of Taiwanese high-tech firms
CMJ Yu, YC Chiao, CJ Chen
International Journal of Technology Management 29 (1-2), 116-135, 2005
Cost-effectiveness of clinical pathway in coronary artery bypass surgery
YK Lin, CP Chen, WC Tsai, YC Chiao, BYJ Lin
Journal of medical systems 35, 203-213, 2011
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