Daniel Orea
Daniel Orea
在 ornl.gov 的电子邮件经过验证
Experimental measurements of flow mixing in cold leg of a pressurized water reactor
D Orea, R Vaghetto, T Nguyen, Y Hassan
Annals of Nuclear Energy 140, 107137, 2020
An experimental study of solid and liquid aerosol transport in a horizontal square channel
R Chavez, D Orea, B Choi, TD Nguyen, NK Anand, Y Hassan, ...
Aerosol Science and Technology 54 (12), 1399-1423, 2020
Numerical study of multi-component flow and mixing in a scaled fission product venting system
BH Choi, D Orea, R Chavez, NK Anand, P Sabharwall
Nuclear Engineering and Design 391, 111714, 2022
Temperature dependence of laser induced fluorescence in molten LiF-NaF-KF Eutectic using Tb3+, Eu3+, and Dy3+
D Orea, L Al-Mahbobi, R Vaghetto, Y Hassan
Journal of Luminescence 243, 118641, 2022
An investigation to develop measurement techniques for quantifying fission product transport in a gas-cooled fast reactor-versatile test reactor program
D Orea, BH Choi, DT Nguyen, R Vaghetto, NK Anand, YA Hassan, ...
Transactions of the American Nuclear Society 120, 1015-1018, 2019
Preconceptual Design of Multifunctional Gas-Cooled Cartridge Loop for the Versatile Test Reactor: Instrumentation and Measurement—Part II
P Sabharwall, K Weaver, NK Anand, C Ellis, X Sun, H Choi, D Chen, ...
Nuclear Science and Engineering 196 (sup1), S215-S233, 2022
Experimental analysis of temperature and vapor core pressure for an annular heat pipe
D Orea, NK Anand, YA Hassan
Physics of Fluids 35 (9), 2023
Preconceptual Design of Multifunctional Gas-Cooled Cartridge Loop for the Versatile Test Reactor—Part I
P Sabharwall, K Weaver, NK Anand, C Ellis, X Sun, D Chen, H Choi, ...
Nuclear Science and Engineering 196 (sup1), S183-S214, 2022
Deposition Velocity and Penetration Efficiency in a Square Channel Using a Lagrangian-Based Modeling Approach
BH Choi, D Orea, T Nguyen, NK Anand, Y Hassan, P Sabharwall
International Conference on Nuclear Engineering 83761, V001T03A026, 2020
Numerical investigation of fluid flow in a square channel-versatile test reactor program
BH Choi, D Orea, T Nguyen, NK Anand, Y Hassan, P Sabharwall
Transactions of the American Nuclear Society 121, 1149-1152, 2019
Numerical simulation of non-isothermal multicomponent flow in fission product venting system
BH Choi, D Orea, R Chavez, T Nguyen, NK Anand, Y Hassan, ...
Transactions of the American Nuclear Society 124 (1), 624-628, 2021
Particle Deposition Study in a Horizontal Square Channel Using High-Resolution Imaging
D Orea, R Chavez, DT Nguyen, R Vaghetto, NK Anand, YA Hassan, ...
EPJ Web of Conferences 247, 10011, 2021
Development of Innovative Measurement Techniques for Fission Product Transport Quantification
D Orea, BH Choi, T Nguyen, R Vaghetto, YA Hassan, NK Anand, ...
Idaho National Lab.(INL), Idaho Falls, ID (United States), 2020
Experimental investigation of surrogate particle transport in a turbulent channel flow: Versatile test reactor program
D Orea, R Chavez, DT Nguyen, R Vaghetto, NK Anand, YA Hassan, ...
Transactions of the American Nuclear Society 121, 1153-1156, 2019
Aerosol and Gas Transport in Ventilation Ducts in Non-Reactor Nuclear Facilities
T Nguyen, W Mccarter, H Sun, D Orea, S Nelson, J Mcfarlane
Design and Construction of a 75 Watt Electrically Heated BiTe Thermoelectric Generator for Demonstration and Model Validation
N Goth, D Orea, DD Loposser, H Wang, T Parker, B Johnson
Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL), Oak Ridge, TN (United States), 2024
Correlation Models of Radioactive Particle Deposition in Ventilation Ducts in Nonreactor Nuclear Facilities
D Orea, DT Nguyen, W Mccarter, S Nelson, J Mcfarlane
Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL), Oak Ridge, TN (United States), 2024
Design of Instrumentation for Noble Gas Transport in LSTL Needed for Model Development
T Nguyen, J Mcfarlane, D Orea, K Robb, H Andrews
Molten Salt Loop Testing of Sensors and Off-Gas Components-FY23 progress
K Robb, D Orea
Design of Instrumentation for Noble Gas Transport in LSTL Needed for Model Development
J Mcfarlane, D Orea, K Robb, H Andrews, DT Nguyen
Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL), Oak Ridge, TN (United States), 2023
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