Pierre Damien
Pierre Damien
Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences, UCLA
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Multiscale observations of deep convection in the northwestern Mediterranean Sea during winter 2012–2013 using multiple platforms
P Testor, A Bosse, L Houpert, F Margirier, L Mortier, H Legoff, D Dausse, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans 123 (3), 1745-1776, 2018
Scales and dynamics of S ubmesoscale C oherent V ortices formed by deep convection in the northwestern M editerranean S ea
A Bosse, P Testor, L Houpert, P Damien, L Prieur, D Hayes, V Taillandier, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans 121 (10), 7716-7742, 2016
High resolution modeling of dense water formation in the north‐western Mediterranean during winter 2012–2013: Processes and budget
C Estournel, P Testor, P Damien, F d'Ortenzio, P Marsaleix, P Conan, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans 121 (7), 5367-5392, 2016
Coastal eutrophication drives acidification, oxygen loss, and ecosystem change in a major oceanic upwelling system
F Kessouri, JC McWilliams, D Bianchi, M Sutula, L Renault, C Deutsch, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 118 (21), e2018856118, 2021
Partitioning of the open waters of the Gulf of Mexico based on the seasonal and interannual variability of chlorophyll concentration
P Damien, O Pasqueron de Fommervault, J Sheinbaum, J Jouanno, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans 123 (4), 2592-2614, 2018
Temporal variability of chlorophyll distribution in the Gulf of Mexico: bio-optical data from profiling floats
O Pasqueron de Fommervault, P Perez-Brunius, P Damien, ...
Biogeosciences 14 (24), 5647-5662, 2017
Modeling postconvective submesoscale coherent vortices in the northwestern m editerranean s ea
P Damien, A Bosse, P Testor, P Marsaleix, C Estournel
Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans 122 (12), 9937-9961, 2017
Intrathermocline eddies embedded within an anticyclonic vortex ring
T Meunier, M Tenreiro, E Pallàs‐Sanz, J Ochoa, A Ruiz‐Angulo, E Portela, ...
Geophysical Research Letters 45 (15), 7624-7633, 2018
Do Loop Current eddies stimulate productivity in the Gulf of Mexico?
P Damien, J Sheinbaum, O Pasqueron de Fommervault, J Jouanno, ...
Biogeosciences 18 (14), 4281-4303, 2021
Wind-forced submesoscale symmetric instability around deep convection in the northwestern mediterranean sea
A Bosse, P Testor, P Damien, C Estournel, P Marsaleix, L Mortier, L Prieur, ...
Fluids 6 (3), 123, 2021
Enhanced biogeochemical cycling along the US West Coast shelf
P Damien, D Bianchi, JC McWilliams, F Kessouri, C Deutsch, R Chen, ...
Global biogeochemical cycles 37 (1), e2022GB007572, 2023
Etude de la circulation océanique en Méditerranée Occidentale à l'aide d'un modèle numérique à haute résolution: influence de la submésoéchelle
P Damien
Toulouse 3, 2015
Pasqueron de Fommervault O, Sheinbaum J, Jouanno J, Camacho-Ibar VF and Duteil O (2018) Partitioning of the open waters of the Gulf of Mexico based on the seasonal and …
P Damien
Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans 123 (4), 2592-2614, 0
Enhancement of Oceanic Eddy Activity by Fine‐Scale Orographic Winds Drives High Productivity, Low Oxygen, and Low pH Conditions in the Santa Barbara Channel
F Kessouri, L Renault, JC McWilliams, P Damien, D Bianchi
Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans 127 (12), e2022JC018947, 2022
Ocean currents and coastal exposure to offshore releases of passively transported material in the Gulf of Mexico
O Duteil, P Damien, J Sheinbaum, M Spinner
Environmental Research Communications 1 (8), 081006, 2019
Wind-Forced Submesoscale Symmetric Instability around Deep Convection in the Northwestern Mediterranean Sea. Fluids 2021, 6, 123
A Bosse, P Testor, P Damien, C Estournel, P Marsaleix, L Mortier, L Prieur, ...
s Note: MDPI stays neutral with regard to jurisdictional claims in published …, 2021
Etude de la circulation océanique en Méditerranée Nord-Occidentale à l'aide d'un modèle numérique à haute résolution: influence de la submésoéchelle
P Damien
Universite Toulouse III Paul Sabatier, 2015
Baroclinic sea level
JC McWilliams, MJ Molemaker, P Damien
Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems 16 (4), e2023MS003977, 2024
Modulation of phytoplankton uptake by mesoscale and submesoscale eddies in the California current system
P Damien, D Bianchi, F Kessouri, JC McWilliams
Geophysical Research Letters 50 (16), e2023GL104853, 2023
Pathways of nitrous oxide production in the eastern tropical south pacific oxygen minimum zone
D McCoy, P Damien, D Clements, S Yang, D Bianchi
Global Biogeochemical Cycles 37 (7), e2022GB007670, 2023
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