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Assessment of metal element concentrations in mussel (M. galloprovincialis) in Eastern Black Sea, Turkey
U Cevik, N Damla, AI Kobya, VN Bulut, C Duran, G Dalgıç, R Bozacı
Journal of Hazardous Materials 160 (2-3), 396-401, 2008
Assessment of metal concentrations (Cu, Zn, and Pb) in seawater, sediment and biota samples in the coastal area of Eastern Black Sea, Turkey
H Baltas, M Sirin, G Dalgic, EY Bayrak, A Akdeniz
Marine pollution bulletin 122 (1-2), 475-482, 2017
Distribution of 137Cs in the Mediterranean mussel (Mytilus galloprovincialis) in Eastern Black Sea Coast of Turkey
H Baltas, E Kiris, G Dalgic, U Cevik
Marine Pollution Bulletin 107 (1), 402-407, 2016
An overview of the ecological half-life of the 137Cs radioisotope and a determination of radioactivity levels in sediment samples after Chernobyl in the Eastern Black Sea, Turkey
H Baltas, M Sirin, G Dalgic, U Cevik
Journal of Marine Systems 177, 21-27, 2018
The effect of fishing on growth of the clam Chamelea gallina (Bivalvia: Veneridae) from the Turkish Black Sea coast
G Dalgiç, İ Okumuş, S Karayücel
Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom 90 (2 …, 2010
First record of Chromogobius zebratus (Gobiidae) for the Mediterranean coast of Turkey
S Engin, G Dalgic
Turkish Journal of Zoology 32 (2), 197-199, 2008
Experimental study on copper uptake capacity in the Mediterranean mussel (Mytilus galloprovincialis)
H Baltas, G Dalgic, EY Bayrak, M Sirin, U Çevik, G Apaydin
Environmental Science and Pollution Research 23, 10983-10989, 2016
The impact of the marine sewage outfalls on the sediment quality: The Black Sea and the Marmara case
T Akdemir, G Dalgic
Saudi journal of biological sciences 28 (1), 238-246, 2021
First record of brown comber Serranus hepatus (Linnaeus, 1758) for the Black Sea
G Dalgic, A Gümüş, M Zengin
Turkish Journal of Zoology 37 (4), 523-524, 2013
Seasonal discards and by-catch of striped venus clam (Chamelea gallina)(Mollusca, Bivalves) fishery in the Black Sea
G Dalgıç, Y Ceylan
Turkish Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 12 (4), 811-816, 2012
Investigations on the stocks of the striped venus (Chamelea gallina L., 1758) in Ordu’s coastal zone of the Eastern Black Sea
G Dalgıç, S Karayücel
Journal of Fisheries International 2 (1), 12-16, 2007
Reproduction cycle of striped venus Chamelea gallina from the Black Sea coast of Turkey.
G Dalgİc, S Karayucel, I Okumua
Journal of Animal and Veterinary Advances 8 (10), 2009
By-catch in the commercial beam trawl fishery for rapa whelk in the Black Sea
AR Eryasar, Y Ceylan, G Dalgic, T Yesilcicek
Mediterranean Marine Science 19 (1), 69-78, 2018
The atlantic starfish, asterias rubens linnaeus, 1758 (echinodermata: asteroidea: asteriidae) spreads in the Black Sea
G Dalgiç, Y Ceylan, C Şahin
Aquatic Invasions 4 (3), 485-486, 2009
Determination of some biological characteristics and population parameters of the blotched picarel (Spicara flexuosa Rafinesque, 1810) distributed in the Eastern Black Sea …
G Dalgıç, İO Ergün, H Onay, Y Ceylan
Marine Science and Technology Bulletin 10 (2), 142-153, 2021
Karadeniz kum midyesi Chamelea gallina (L., 1758) populasyonunun üreme periyodu ve büyüme performansının belirlenmesi
G Dalgiç
Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 2006
Ordu ili Perşembe ilçesinde levrek (Dicentrarchus labrax L., 1758) yetiştiriciliği yapan işletmelerin üretim ve teknik özellikleri
B Baki, G Dalgıç
Anadolu Journal of Agricultural Sciences (Turkey) 24 (1), 2009
Seasonal changes in the food spectrum and day-time rhythm of feeding in red mullet Mullus barbatus (Linnaeus, 1758) in the southeast Black Sea
H Onay, G Dalgic
Fresenius Environmental Bulletin 28 (4), 2671-2678, 2019
Karadeniz’deki Trol Balıkçılığını İzleme Projesi (KARTRİP), Sonuç Raporu, Proje No: TAGEM
M Zengin, A Gümüş, S Süer, M Dağtekin, Aİ Özcan, G Dalgıç, A Van, ...
HAYSÜD/2010/09/01/04. TAGEM 2015 Yılı Program Değerlendirme Toplantısı, 04 …, 2015
Determination of the spawning period and growing performance of the Black Sea Striped Venus Chamelea gallina (L., 1758) population
G Dalgıç
Doktora Tezi, Karadeniz Teknik Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Trabzon, 2006
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