Martin Glas
Martin Glas
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The Danube so colourful: a potpourri of plastic litter outnumbers fish larvae in Europe's second largest river
A Lechner, H Keckeis, F Lumesberger-Loisl, B Zens, R Krusch, M Tritthart, ...
Environmental Pollution 188, 177-181, 2014
Accuracy and comparison of standard k-ϵ with two variants of k-ω turbulence models in fluvial applications
A Farhadi, A Mayrhofer, M Tritthart, M Glas, H Habersack
Engineering Applications of Computational Fluid Mechanics 12 (1), 216-235, 2018
Shoreline configurations affect dispersal patterns of fish larvae in a large river
A Lechner, H Keckeis, E Schludermann, F Loisl, P Humphries, M Glas, ...
ICES Journal of Marine Science 71 (4), 930-942, 2014
The influence of discharge, current speed, and development on the downstream dispersal of larval nase (Chondrostoma nasus) in the River Danube
A Lechner, H Keckeis, M Glas, M Tritthart, H Habersack, L Andorfer, ...
Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 75 (2), 247-259, 2018
An investigation on the outer bank cell of secondary flow in channel bends
A Farhadi, C Sindelar, M Tritthart, M Glas, K Blanckaert, H Habersack
Journal of Hydro-Environment Research 18, 1-11, 2018
Hydrodynamic and morphodynamic sensitivity of a river’s main channel to groyne geometry
M Glas, K Glock, M Tritthart, M Liedermann, H Habersack
Journal of Hydraulic Research 56 (5), 714-726, 2018
Movement patterns and rheoreaction of larvae of a fluvial specialist (nase, Chondrostoma nasus): the role of active versus passive components of behaviour in …
B Zens, M Glas, M Tritthart, H Habersack, H Keckeis
Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 75 (2), 193-200, 2018
Modelling the dispersal of riverine fish larvae: from a raster-based analysis of movement patterns within a racetrack flume to a rheoreaction-based correlated random walk (RCRW …
M Glas, M Tritthart, B Zens, H Keckeis, A Lechner, T Kaminskas, ...
Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 74 (9), 1474-1489, 2017
Numerical Study of Morphodynamics and Ecological Parameters Following Alternative Groyne Layouts at the Danube River
M Tritthart, M Glas, M Liedermann, H Habersack
Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Hydroscience and …, 2014
Funktionalität der getesteten flussbaulichen Maßnahmen im Pilotprojekt Bad Deutsch-AltenburgFunctionality of the tested river engineering measures within the pilot project Bad …
M Liedermann, P Gmeiner, M Glas, M Tritthart, H Habersack
Österreichische Wasser-und Abfallwirtschaft 68 (5-6), 217-225, 2016
Erfahrungen in der numerischen Sedimenttransportmodellierung auf unterschiedlichen Skalen–von RANS bis LES
M Tritthart, K Glock, M Glas, S Yücesan, M Liedermann, P Gmeiner, ...
Österreichische Wasser-und Abfallwirtschaft 71 (3), 170-178, 2019
Occurrence and characterization of bed forms at the Danube to the east of Vienna
M Liedermann, P Gmeiner, M Tritthart, M Glas, H Habersack
CRC Press/Balkema, Proceedings of the International Conference on Fluvial …, 2014
Functionality of the tested river engineering measures within the pilot project Bad Deutsch-Altenburg at the Austrian Danube River
M Liedermann, P Gmeiner, M Glas, M Tritthart, H Habersack
Österreichische Wasser-und Abfallwirtschaft 68, 217-225, 2016
Experiments on two consecutive open channel bends
A Farhadi, M Tritthart, M Glas, H Habersack
7th International Conference on Fluvial Hydraulics, RIVER FLOW 2014, 2014
Kiesinseln an der Donau–naturbasierte Lösungen zum Erhalt der Wasserstraße
J Binder, M Glas, C Hauer, M Liedermann, H Habersack, M Tritthart
Österreichische Wasser-und Abfallwirtschaft 75 (1), 54-61, 2023
Larval dispersal patterns: observations and particle tracing simulations in a racetrack flume
M Glas, M Tritthart, B Zens, H Keckeis, C Hauer, H Habersack
Institute of Water Management, Hydrology and Hydraulic Engineering …, 2012
Numerische Untersuchung von Skaleneffekten auf die Hydrodynamik in einem Buhnenexperiment
M Glas, M Tritthart, S Pessenlehner, C Sindelar, M Buchinger, S Baranya, ...
Österreichische Wasser-und Abfallwirtschaft, 1-7, 2024
Länderübergreifende Problemanalyse und Optimierung des Sedimentmonitorings an der österreichisch-slowakisch-ungarischen Donau im Rahmen der EFRE-Projekte SEDDON II und DREAM SK-AT
S Pessenlehner, M Liedermann, P Gmeiner, M Haimann, M Glas, ...
Österreichische Wasser-und Abfallwirtschaft 75 (7-8), 370-380, 2023
Einblicke in hydrodynamische und morphodynamische Modellierungen in der Donau
M Glas, M Tritthart, S Pessenlehner, M Ando, M Lukac, S Baranya, ...
Österreichische Wasser-und Abfallwirtschaft 75 (7-8), 381-390, 2023
Rheoreaction impacts dispersal of fish larvae in restored rivers
M Glas, M Tritthart, H Keckeis, A Lechner, M Liedermann, H Habersack
River Research and Applications 36 (5), 843-851, 2020
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