Design and operation of the multipulse Thomson scattering diagnostic on DIII‐D TN Carlstrom, GL Campbell, JC DeBoo, R Evanko, J Evans, ... Review of scientific instruments 63 (10), 4901-4906, 1992 | 387 | 1992 |
Regime of very high confinement in the boronized DIII-D tokamak GL Jackson, J Winter, TS Taylor, KH Burrell, JC DeBoo, CM Greenfield, ... Physical review letters 67 (22), 3098, 1991 | 266 | 1991 |
The beam emission spectroscopy diagnostic on the DIII-D tokamak G McKee, R Ashley, R Durst, R Fonck, M Jakubowski, K Tritz, K Burrell, ... Review of scientific instruments 70 (1), 913-916, 1999 | 265 | 1999 |
Quiescent double barrier high-confinement mode plasmas in the DIII-D tokamak KH Burrell, ME Austin, DP Brennan, JC DeBoo, EJ Doyle, C Fenzi, ... Physics of Plasmas 8 (5), 2153-2162, 2001 | 260 | 2001 |
Quiescent H-mode plasmas in the DIII-D tokamak KH Burrell, ME Austin, DP Brennan, JC DeBoo, EJ Doyle, P Gohil, ... Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion 44 (5A), A253, 2002 | 216 | 2002 |
Internal transport barriers in JET deuterium-tritium plasmas C Gormezano, YF Baranov, CD Challis, I Coffey, GA Cottrell, AC Ekedahl, ... Physical review letters 80 (25), 5544, 1998 | 199 | 1998 |
Higher fusion power gain with current and pressure profile control in strongly shaped DIII-D tokamak plasmas EA Lazarus, GA Navratil, CM Greenfield, EJ Strait, ME Austin, KH Burrell, ... Physical review letters 77 (13), 2714, 1996 | 196* | 1996 |
Confinement physics of H-mode discharges in DIII-D KH Burrell, SL Allen, G Bramson, NH Brooks, RW Callis, TN Carlstrom, ... Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion 31 (10), 1649, 1989 | 191 | 1989 |
Quiescent double barrier regime in the DIII-D tokamak CM Greenfield, KH Burrell, JC DeBoo, EJ Doyle, BW Stallard, ... Physical Review Letters 86 (20), 4544, 2001 | 181 | 2001 |
Improved core fueling with high field side pellet injection in the DIII-D tokamak LR Baylor, TC Jernigan, SK Combs, WA Houlberg, M Murakami, P Gohil, ... Physics of Plasmas 7 (5), 1878-1885, 2000 | 177 | 2000 |
Rotational and magnetic shear stabilization of magnetohydrodynamic modes and turbulence in DIII‐D high performance discharges LL Lao, KH Burrell, TS Casper, VS Chan, MS Chu, JC DeBoo, EJ Doyle, ... Physics of plasmas 3 (5), 1951-1958, 1996 | 174 | 1996 |
Nondimensional transport scaling in DIII‐D: Bohm versus gyro‐Bohm resolved CC Petty, TC Luce, KH Burrell, SC Chiu, JS Degrassie, CB Forest, P Gohil, ... Physics of Plasmas 2 (6), 2342-2348, 1995 | 162 | 1995 |
Advances in understanding quiescent H-mode plasmas in DIII-D KH Burrell, WP West, EJ Doyle, ME Austin, TA Casper, P Gohil, ... Physics of plasmas 12 (5), 2005 | 155 | 2005 |
Shear optimization experiments with current profile control on JET JET team Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion 39 (12B), B353, 1997 | 137 | 1997 |
Electron heat transport in improved confinement discharges in DIII-D BW Stallard, CM Greenfield, GM Staebler, CL Rettig, MS Chu, ME Austin, ... Physics of Plasmas 6 (5), 1978-1984, 1999 | 133 | 1999 |
Development, physics basis and performance projections for hybrid scenario operation in ITER on DIII-D MR Wade, TC Luce, RJ Jayakumar, PA Politzer, AW Hyatt, JR Ferron, ... Nuclear fusion 45 (6), 407, 2005 | 118 | 2005 |
Long pulse high performance discharges in the DIII-D tokamak TC Luce, MR Wade, PA Politzer, SL Allen, ME Austin, DR Baker, B Bray, ... Nuclear fusion 41 (11), 1585, 2001 | 107 | 2001 |
Core barrier formation near integer q surfaces in DIII-D ME Austin, KH Burrell, RE Waltz, KW Gentle, P Gohil, CM Greenfield, ... Physics of Plasmas 13 (8), 2006 | 106 | 2006 |
Transport and performance in DIII-D discharges with weak or negative central magnetic shear CM Greenfield, DP Schissel, BW Stallard, EA Lazarus, GA Navratil, ... Physics of Plasmas 4 (5), 1596-1604, 1997 | 105 | 1997 |
Toroidal rotation in neutral beam heated discharges in DIII-D JS DeGrassie, DR Baker, KH Burrell, P Gohil, CM Greenfield, ... Nuclear fusion 43 (2), 142, 2003 | 85 | 2003 |