PRESENT: An ultra-lightweight block cipher A Bogdanov, LR Knudsen, G Leander, C Paar, A Poschmann, ... Cryptographic Hardware and Embedded Systems-CHES 2007: 9th International …, 2007 | 3661 | 2007 |
The block cipher Square J Daemen, L Knudsen, V Rijmen Fast Software Encryption: 4th International Workshop, FSE’97 Haifa, Israel …, 1997 | 1229 | 1997 |
Truncated and higher order differentials LR Knudsen Fast Software Encryption: Second International Workshop Leuven, Belgium …, 1995 | 1171 | 1995 |
PRINCE – A Low-Latency Block Cipher for Pervasive Computing Applications J Borghoff, A Canteaut, T Güneysu, EB Kavun, M Knezevic, LR Knudsen, ... Advances in Cryptology–ASIACRYPT 2012: 18th International Conference on the …, 2012 | 1077 | 2012 |
Integral cryptanalysis L Knudsen, D Wagner Fast Software Encryption: 9th International Workshop, FSE 2002 Leuven …, 2002 | 681 | 2002 |
Serpent: A proposal for the advanced encryption standard R Anderson, E Biham, L Knudsen NIST AES Proposal 174, 1-23, 1998 | 623 | 1998 |
The interpolation attack on block ciphers T Jakobsen, LR Knudsen Fast Software Encryption: 4th International Workshop, FSE’97 Haifa, Israel …, 1997 | 512 | 1997 |
DEAL-a 128-bit block cipher L Knudsen complexity 258 (2), 216, 1998 | 489 | 1998 |
Serpent: A new block cipher proposal E Biham, R Anderson, L Knudsen International workshop on fast software encryption, 222-238, 1998 | 388 | 1998 |
Provable security against differential cryptanalysis K Nyberg, LR Knudsen Annual international cryptology conference, 566-574, 1992 | 356 | 1992 |
PRINTcipher: A Block Cipher for IC-Printing L Knudsen, G Leander, A Poschmann, MJB Robshaw Cryptographic Hardware and Embedded Systems, CHES 2010: 12th International …, 2010 | 348 | 2010 |
Grøstl-a SHA-3 candidate P Gauravaram, LR Knudsen, K Matusiewicz, F Mendel, C Rechberger, ... Schloss-Dagstuhl-Leibniz Zentrum für Informatik, 2009 | 329 | 2009 |
The block cipher companion LR Knudsen, M Robshaw Springer Science & Business Media, 2011 | 298 | 2011 |
Provable security against a differential attack K Nyberg, LR Knudsen Journal of Cryptology 8, 27-37, 1995 | 295 | 1995 |
Analysis methods for (alleged) RC4 LR Knudsen, W Meier, B Preneel, V Rijmen, S Verdoolaege Advances in Cryptology—ASIACRYPT’98: International Conference on the Theory …, 1998 | 228 | 1998 |
Known-key distinguishers for some block ciphers LR Knudsen, V Rijmen Advances in Cryptology–ASIACRYPT 2007: 13th International Conference on the …, 2007 | 220 | 2007 |
Cryptanalysis of LOKI 91 LR Knudsen International Workshop on the Theory and Application of Cryptographic …, 1992 | 219 | 1992 |
Non-linear approximations in linear cryptanalysis LR Knudsen, MJB Robshaw International Conference on the Theory and Applications of Cryptographic …, 1996 | 188 | 1996 |
Practically secure Feistel ciphers LR Knudsen International Workshop on Fast Software Encryption, 211-221, 1993 | 165 | 1993 |
Block ciphers-analysis, design and applications LR Knudsen Aarhus Universitet. Department of Computer Science, 1994 | 164 | 1994 |