Andrea Carson, PhD
Andrea Carson, PhD
Visiting fellow (Reuters Institute) Oxford Uni; Prof. Political Communication, La Trobe University
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Introduction: international approaches to online political participation and connective action
A Carson, A Vromen (eds.)
Australian Journal of Political Science 53 (1), 73-77, 2018
Political elites' use of fake news discourse across communications platforms
K Farhall, A Carson, S Wright, A Gibbons, W Lukamto
International Journal of Communication 13, 23, 2019
Understanding Collaborative Investigative Journalism in a “Post-Truth” Age
A Carson, K Farhall
Journalism Studies, 2018
Behind the newspaper paywall–lessons in charging for online content: a comparative analysis of why Australian newspapers are stuck in the purgatorial space between digital and …
A Carson
Media, culture & society 37 (7), 1022-1041, 2015
Investigative Journalism, Democracy and the Digital Age
A Carson
Routledge, Research in Journalism Series, 2020
A new symbiosis? Opportunities and challenges to hyperlocal journalism in the digital age
A Carson, D Muller, J Martin, M Simons
Media International Australia 161 (1), 132-146, 2016
What is a journalist? The view from employers as revealed by their job vacancy advertisements
S Young, A Carson
Journalism Studies 19 (3), 452-472, 2018
The political economy of the print media and the decline of corporate investigative journalism in Australia
A Carson
Australian Journal of Political Science 49 (4), 726-742, 2014
Understanding the civic impact of journalism: A realistic evaluation perspective
M Simons, R Tiffen, D Hendrie, A Carson, H Sullivan, D Muller, B McNair
Journalism Studies 18 (11), 1400-1414, 2017
Emotional and Financial Health During COVID‐19: The Role of Housework, Employment and Childcare in Australia and the United States
L Ruppanner, X Tan, A Carson, S Ratcliff
Gender, Work & Organization, 2021
Fighting Fake News: A study of online misinformation regulation in the Asia Pacific
A Carson, L Fallon
La Trobe University; https://www.latrobe.edu.au/__data/assets/pdf_file/0006 …, 2021
Wedge Politics: Mapping Voter Attitudes to Asylum Seekers Using Large‐Scale Data During the Australian 2013 Federal Election Campaign
A Carson, Y Dufresne, A Martin
Policy & Internet 8 (4), 478-498, 2016
Public opinion and policy responsiveness: The case of same-sex marriage in Australia
A Carson, S Ratcliff, Y Dufresne
Australian Journal of Political Science, 2017
Does third-party fact-checking increase trust in news stories? An Australian case study using the “sports rorts” affair
A Carson, A Gibbons, A Martin, JB Phillips
Digital Journalism 10 (5), 801-822, 2022
Investigative journalism, the public sphere and democracy: The watchdog role of Australian broadsheets in the digital age
AL Carson
University of Melbourne, 2013
Negative campaigning, issue salience and vote choice: Assessing the effects of the Australian Labor party’s 2016 “Mediscare” campaign
A Carson, AJ Martin, S Ratcliff
Journal of Elections, Public Opinion and Parties 30 (1), 83-104, 2020
The future newsroom
A Carson, D Muller
Centre for Advancing Journalism-University of Melbourne.(Tillgänglig https …, 2017
POLITWEETS: social media as a platform for political engagement between Victorian politicians and citizens
W Lukamto, A Carson
Communication Research and Practice 2 (2), 191-212, 2016
Race to the top: using experiments to understand gender bias towards female politicians
A Carson, L Ruppanner, JM Lewis
Australian Journal of Political Science 54 (4), 439-455, 2019
Explaining the Australian marriage equality vote: An aggregate-level analysis
T Gravelle, A Carson
Politics, 1-16, 2018
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