Jennifer Wolgemuth
Jennifer Wolgemuth
Associate Professor, Measurement and Research, University of South Florida
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Participants’ experiences of the qualitative interview: Considering the importance of research paradigms
JR Wolgemuth, Z Erdil-Moody, T Opsal, JE Cross, T Kaanta, ...
Qualitative research 15 (3), 351-372, 2015
Unpacking assumptions in research synthesis: A critical construct synthesis approach
JR Wolgemuth, T Hicks, V Agosto
Educational Researcher 46 (3), 131-139, 2017
Toward an inquiry of discomfort: Guiding transformation in “emancipatory” narrative research
JR Wolgemuth, R Donohue
Qualitative Inquiry 12 (5), 1012-1021, 2006
Preventing sexual assault through engaging college men
RP Barone, JR Wolgemuth, C Linder
Journal of College Student Development 48 (5), 585-594, 2007
“There Are No Known Benefits...” Considering the Risk/Benefit Ratio of Qualitative Research
T Opsal, J Wolgemuth, J Cross, T Kaanta, E Dickmann, S Colomer, ...
Qualitative Health Research 26 (8), 1137-1150, 2016
Improving Post-High School Outcomes for Transition-Age Students with Disabilities: An Evidence Review. NCEE 2013-4011.
RB Cobb, S Lipscomb, J Wolgemuth, T Schulte
National Center for Education Evaluation and Regional Assistance, 2013
Analyzing for critical resistance in narrative research
JR Wolgemuth
Qualitative Research, 1468794113501685, 2014
Comparing longitudinal academic achievement of full-day and half-day kindergarten students
JR Wolgemuth, RB Cobb, MA Winokur, N Leech, D Ellerby
The Journal of Educational Research 99 (5), 260-270, 2006
The effects of mnemonic interventions on academic outcomes for youth with disabilities: A systematic review
JR Wolgemuth, RB Cobb, M Alwell
Learning Disabilities Research & Practice 23 (1), 1-10, 2008
Anti-oppressive pedagogies in online learning: A critical review
M Migueliz Valcarlos, JR Wolgemuth, S Haraf, N Fisk
Distance Education 41 (3), 345-360, 2020
Coaching (and) commitment: Linking ongoing professional development, quality teaching and student outcomes
J Helmer, C Bartlett, JR Wolgemuth, T Lea
Professional Development in Education 37 (2), 197-211, 2011
Purposeful entanglements: A new materialist analysis of transformative interviews
TM Marn, JR Wolgemuth
Qualitative Inquiry 23 (5), 365-374, 2017
ABRACADABRA aids Indigenous and non-Indigenous early literacy in Australia: Evidence from a multisite randomized controlled trial
JR Wolgemuth, R Savage, J Helmer, H Harper, T Lea, PC Abrami, A Kirby, ...
Computers & Education 67, 250-264, 2013
Narrative Research
JR Wolgemuth, V Agosto
The Blackwell Encyclopedia of Sociology, doi: 10.1002/9781405165518, 2019
Using computer-based instruction to improve Indigenous early literacy in Northern Australia: A quasi-experimental study
J Wolgemuth, R Savage, J Helmer, T Lea, H Harper, K Chalkiti, C Bottrell, ...
Australasian Journal of Educational Technology 27 (4), 2011
A Qualitative Study Of Facilitators and Barriers Related to Comprehensive and Integrated School Psychological Services
JM Castillo, JR Wolgemuth, C Barclay, A Mattison, SY Tan, S Sabnis, ...
Psychology in the Schools 53 (6), 641-658, 2016
RTI, equity, and the return to the status quo: Implications for consultants
S Sabnis, JM Castillo, JR Wolgemuth
Journal of Educational and Psychological Consultation 30 (3), 285-313, 2020
Driving the Paradigm: (Failing to Teach) Methodological Ambiguity, Fluidity, and Resistance in Qualitative Research
JR Wolgemuth
Qualitative Inquiry 22 (6), 518-525, 2016
Spiral of Decline or “Beacon of Hope:” Stories of School Choice in a Dual Language School.
TM Pearson, JR Wolgemuth, SE Colomer
Education Policy Analysis Archives 23, 25-25, 2015
A critique of research on women published in the Community College Journal of Research and Practice: 1990-2000
JR Wolgemuth, NL Kees, L Safarik
Community College Journal of Research &Practice 27 (9-10), 757-767, 2003
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