Elizabeth Evans
Elizabeth Evans
Professor of Public Health & Associate Chair, University of Massachusetts Amherst
在 umass.edu 的电子邮件经过验证
Long-term course of opioid addiction
YI Hser, E Evans, C Grella, W Ling, D Anglin
Harvard review of psychiatry 23 (2), 76-89, 2015
Relationship between drug treatment services, retention, and outcomes
YI Hser, E Evans, D Huang, DM Anglin
Psychiatric Services 55 (7), 767-774, 2004
Benefit–cost in the California treatment outcome project: does substance abuse treatment “pay for itself”?
SL Ettner, D Huang, E Evans, D Rose Ash, M Hardy, M Jourabchi, YI Hser
Health Services Research 41 (1), 192-213, 2006
Treatment outcomes among women and men methamphetamine abusers in California
YI Hser, E Evans, YC Huang
Journal of substance abuse treatment 28 (1), 77-85, 2005
Long‐term outcomes after randomization to buprenorphine/naloxone versus methadone in a multi‐site trial
YI Hser, E Evans, D Huang, R Weiss, A Saxon, KM Carroll, G Woody, ...
Addiction 111 (4), 695-705, 2016
Client and program factors associated with dropout from court mandated drug treatment
E Evans, L Li, YI Hser
Evaluation and program planning 32 (3), 204-212, 2009
Polydrug use and implications for longitudinal research: ten-year trajectories for heroin, cocaine, and methamphetamine users
ML Brecht, D Huang, E Evans, YI Hser
Drug and alcohol dependence 96 (3), 193-201, 2008
Contrasting trajectories of heroin, cocaine, and methamphetamine use
YI Hser, D Huang, ML Brecht, L Li, E Evans
Journal of addictive diseases 27 (3), 13-21, 2008
Mortality among individuals accessing pharmacological treatment for opioid dependence in California, 2006–10
E Evans, L Li, J Min, D Huang, D Urada, L Liu, YI Hser, B Nosyk
Addiction 110 (6), 996-1005, 2015
Polydrug use and its association with drug treatment outcomes among primary heroin, methamphetamine, and cocaine users
L Wang, JE Min, E Krebs, E Evans, D Huang, L Liu, YI Hser, B Nosyk
International Journal of Drug Policy 49, 32-40, 2017
Defining dosing pattern characteristics of successful tapers following methadone maintenance treatment: results from a population‐based retrospective cohort study
B Nosyk, H Sun, E Evans, DC Marsh, MD Anglin, YI Hser, AH Anis
Addiction 107 (9), 1621-1629, 2012
Gender and race/ethnic differences in the persistence of alcohol, drug, and poly-substance use disorders
EA Evans, CE Grella, DL Washington, DM Upchurch
Drug and alcohol dependence 174, 128-136, 2017
Comparing the dynamic course of heroin, cocaine, and methamphetamine use over 10 years
YI Hser, E Evans, D Huang, ML Brecht, L Li
Addictive behaviors 33 (12), 1581-1589, 2008
Effects of a randomized contingency management intervention on opiate abstinence and retention in methadone maintenance treatment in China
YI Hser, J Li, H Jiang, R Zhang, J Du, C Zhang, B Zhang, E Evans, F Wu, ...
Addiction 106 (10), 1801-1809, 2011
Maternal mental health and children’s internalizing and externalizing behaviors: beyond maternal substance use disorders
YI Hser, HI Lanza, L Li, E Kahn, E Evans, M Schulte
Journal of child and family studies 24, 638-648, 2015
Employment trajectories: Exploring gender differences and impacts of drug use
DYC Huang, E Evans, M Hara, RE Weiss, YI Hser
Journal of vocational behavior 79 (1), 277-289, 2011
Evaluation of the Substance Abuse and Crime Prevention Act 2002 Report
D Longshore, D Urada, E Evans, Y Hser, M Prendergast, A Hawken, ...
Department of Alcohol and Drug Programs California Health and Human Services …, 2004
Correlates of long-term opioid abstinence after randomization to methadone versus buprenorphine/naloxone in a multi-site trial
Y Zhu, EA Evans, LJ Mooney, AJ Saxon, A Kelleghan, C Yoo, YI Hser
Journal of Neuroimmune Pharmacology 13, 488-497, 2018
High-risk offenders participating in court-supervised substance abuse treatment: Characteristics, treatment received, and factors associated with recidivism
E Evans, D Huang, YI Hser
The journal of behavioral health services & research 38, 510-525, 2011
Using administrative data for longitudinal substance abuse research
E Evans, CE Grella, DA Murphy, YI Hser
The journal of behavioral health services & research 37, 252-271, 2010
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