Sustainable management of natural resources: mathematical models and methods M De Lara, L Doyen Springer Science & Business Media, 2008 | 304 | 2008 |
Multi-criteria dynamic decision under uncertainty: A stochastic viability analysis and an application to sustainable fishery management M De Lara, V Martinet Mathematical biosciences 217 (2), 118-124, 2009 | 100 | 2009 |
Sustainability of exploited marine ecosystems through protected areas: a viability model and a coral reef case study L Doyen, M De Lara, J Ferraris, D Pelletier Ecological Modelling 208 (2-4), 353-366, 2007 | 97 | 2007 |
Is a management framework based on spawning-stock biomass indicators sustainable? A viability approach M De Lara, L Doyen, T Guilbaud, MJ Rochet ICES Journal of Marine Science 64 (4), 761-767, 2007 | 97 | 2007 |
Stochastic viability and dynamic programming L Doyen, M De Lara Systems & Control Letters 59 (10), 629-634, 2010 | 87 | 2010 |
Congestion pricing and long term urban form: Application to Paris region M De Lara, A De Palma, M Kilani, S Piperno Regional Science and Urban Economics 43 (2), 282-295, 2013 | 80 | 2013 |
Analysis of a conservation PDE with discontinuous flux: a model of settler JP Chancelier, MC De Lara, F Pacard SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics 54 (4), 954-995, 1994 | 72 | 1994 |
Cours d'automatique: commande lineaíre des systèmes dynamiques B d'Andréa-Novel, MC de Lara Presses des MINES, 2000 | 66 | 2000 |
Dynamic consistency for stochastic optimal control problems P Carpentier, JP Chancelier, G Cohen, M De Lara, P Girardeau Annals of Operations Research 200 (1), 247-263, 2012 | 65 | 2012 |
Strategies and trajectories of coral reef fish larvae optimizing self-recruitment JO Irisson, A LeVan, M De Lara, S Planes Journal of theoretical biology 227 (2), 205-218, 2004 | 55 | 2004 |
Stochastic multi-stage optimization P Carpentier, G Cohen, JP Chancelier, M De Lara Probability Theory and Stochastic Modelling 75, 2015 | 54 | 2015 |
To what extent can ecosystem services motivate protecting biodiversity? LE Dee, M De Lara, C Costello, SD Gaines Ecology letters 20 (8), 935-946, 2017 | 48 | 2017 |
New insights in dynamic modeling of a secondary settler—I. Flux theory and steady-states analysis JP Chancelier, MC De Lara, C Joannis, F Pacard Water Research 31 (8), 1847-1856, 1997 | 45 | 1997 |
Geometric and symmetry properties of a nondegenerate diffusion process MC de Lara The Annals of Probability, 1557-1604, 1995 | 39 | 1995 |
Risk aversion, road choice, and the one-armed bandit problem JP Chancelier, M De Lara, A De Palma Transportation Science 41 (1), 1-14, 2007 | 33 | 2007 |
Multi-usage hydropower single dam management: chance-constrained optimization and stochastic viability JC Alais, P Carpentier, M De Lara Energy Systems 8 (1), 7-30, 2017 | 30 | 2017 |
Monotonicity properties for the viable control of discrete-time systems M De Lara, L Doyen, T Guilbaud, MJ Rochet Systems & control letters 56 (4), 296-302, 2007 | 28 | 2007 |
Control theory for engineers B d’Andréa-Novel, M De Lara Springer, 2013 | 26 | 2013 |
New insights in dynamic modeling of a secondary settler—II. Dynamical analysis JP Chancelier, MC De Lara, C Joannis, F Pacard Water Research 31 (8), 1857-1866, 1997 | 26 | 1997 |
Finite-Dimensional Filters. Part I: The Wei--Norman Technique MC De Lara SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization 35 (3), 980-1001, 1997 | 26 | 1997 |