Educaţia la distanţă. Proiectarea materialelor O Istrate Botoşani: Agata, 125, 2000 | 100* | 2000 |
Școala online: elemente pentru inovarea educației. Raport de cercetare evaluativă P Botnariuc, C Cucoș, C Glava, D Iancu, M Ilie, O Istrate, AV Labăr, ... București: Editura Universității din București, available online at https …, 2020 | 63* | 2020 |
Educația digitală C Ceobanu, C Cucoș, O Istrate, IO Pânișoară Iași: Polirom, 2020 | 52* | 2020 |
E-learning and educational software. Educational projects and experience of implementation in Romania M Vlada, R Jugureanu, O Istrate Proceedings of ICVL 28, 2009 | 36 | 2009 |
Visual and pedagogical design of eLearning content O Istrate E-learning Papers // www. elearningpapers. eu Nº17, 2009 | 33 | 2009 |
Exploring sources of variation in Romanian science achievement O Istrate, G Noveanu, TM Smith Prospects 36 (4), 475-496, 2006 | 30 | 2006 |
Efecte şi rezultate ale utilizării TIC în educatie O Istrate În: Tehnologii moderne de educatie şi cercetare. Lucrările Conferintei …, 2010 | 24* | 2010 |
Teacher Training. National Report – Romania C Bîrzea, I Neacşu, D Potolea, M Ionescu, O Istrate, S Velea, P Zgaga Zgaga, P., The Prospects of Teacher Education in South-Est Europe, Ljubljana, 2006 | 24* | 2006 |
Informatizarea sistemului de învăţământ: Programul SEI Raport de cercetare evaluativă D Potolea, E Noveanu, S Velea, P Botnariuc, C Novak, O Istrate București: Universitatea din Bucuresti, Facultatea de Psihologie și …, 2008 | 22* | 2008 |
IT-Based Education System. An Evaluation-Research Report: EVAL SEI 2008 E Noveanu, D Potolea, O Istrate, P Botnariuc, S Velea, C Novak University of Bucharest, Bucharest, 2008 | 20* | 2008 |
Institutional Studies and Practices U DEMIRAY, L VAINIO, MC SAHIN, G KURUBACAK, PT LOUNASKORPI, ... | 19* | 2010 |
Manual de instruire a profesorilor pentru utilizarea platformelor de e-learning M Ilie, R Jugureanu, OS Pacurari, O Istrate, E Dragomirescu, D Vlădoiu Litera International, 2008 | 19 | 2008 |
Education Staff Working in Elearning Environments: Skills and Competences O Istrate Conference proceedings of» eLearning and Software for Education «(eLSE) 7 …, 2011 | 15 | 2011 |
A Fresh Restart? Google for Education in Romania: Effectiveness of Training Teachers in Using Google Tools for Teaching and Learning O Istrate, S Gabureanu The 10th International Conference on Virtual Learning, 2015 | 14 | 2015 |
Developing and Monitoring a MOOC: the IFRC Experience O Istrate, A Kestens eLearning & Software for Education, 2015 | 14 | 2015 |
Teacher education in Romania recent developments and current challenges S Velea, O Istrate European dimensions of teacher education–Similarities and differences, 271-294, 2005 | 14 | 2005 |
Current Issues of Digital Education O Istrate ICVL. Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Virtual Learning …, 2011 | 11 | 2011 |
Professionalism in the education system today O Istrate, S Velea ICVL. Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Virtual Learning …, 2011 | 10 | 2011 |
The Use of Technology in STEM Education. An Empirical Research O Istrate, C Mironov, A Popovici Journal of Pedagogy 1, 73-91, 2019 | 8 | 2019 |
E–Skills in the Knowledge Society. Contribution of Intel Education Programs T Osburg, O Istrate, D Arati, A Todorova eLearning and Software for Education (eLSE), 47, 2010 | 8* | 2010 |