Amanda D. Boyd
Amanda D. Boyd
Associate Professor, The Elson S. Floyd College of Medicine, Washington State University
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Conflicted or constructive? Exploring community responses to new energy developments in Canada
K Shaw, SD Hill, AD Boyd, L Monk, J Reid, EF Einsiedel
Energy Research & Social Science 8, 41-51, 2015
Factors influencing public perceptions of hydropower projects: A systematic literature review
AM Mayeda, AD Boyd
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 121, 109713, 2020
Assessing socio-technical mindsets: Public deliberations on carbon capture and storage in the context of energy sources and climate change
EF Einsiedel, AD Boyd, J Medlock, P Ashworth
Energy Policy 53, 149-158, 2013
The social dimensions of smart meters in the United States: Demographics, privacy, and technology readiness
JD Hmielowski, AD Boyd, G Harvey, J Joo
Energy Research & Social Science 55, 189-197, 2019
Controversy in technology innovation: Contrasting media and expert risk perceptions of the alleged leakage at the Weyburn carbon dioxide storage demonstration project
AD Boyd, Y Liu, JC Stephens, EJ Wilson, M Pollak, TR Peterson, ...
International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control 14, 259-269, 2013
Re-conceptualizing community in risk research
TB Paveglio, AD Boyd, MS Carroll
Journal of Risk Research 20 (7), 931-951, 2017
The more the better? A comparison of the information sources used by the public during two infectious disease outbreaks
CG Jardine, FU Boerner, AD Boyd, SM Driedger
PLoS One 10 (10), e0140028, 2015
Public perceptions of carbon capture and storage in Canada: Results of a national survey
AD Boyd, JD Hmielowski, P David
International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control 67, 1-9, 2017
Examining community perceptions of energy systems development: The role of communication and sense of place
AD Boyd
Environmental Communication 11 (2), 184-204, 2017
Front page or “buried” beneath the fold? Media coverage of carbon capture and storage
AD Boyd, TB Paveglio
Public Understanding of Science 23 (4), 411-427, 2014
Wildfire evacuation and its alternatives in a post-Black Saturday landscape: Catchy slogans and cautionary tales
TB Paveglio, AD Boyd, MS Carroll
Environmental Hazards 11 (1), 52-70, 2012
Public preferences to CCS: how does it change across countries?
P Ashworth, E Einsiedel, R Howell, S Brunsting, N Boughen, A Boyd, ...
Energy Procedia 37, 7410-7418, 2013
Canadian media representations of mad cow disease
AD Boyd, CG Jardine, SM Driedger
Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health, Part A 72 (17-18), 1096-1105, 2009
Do the first 10 days equal a year? Comparing two Canadian public health risk events using the national media
SM Driedger, CG Jardine, AD Boyd, B Mistry
Health, Risk & Society 11 (1), 39-53, 2009
Gender and place influences on health risk perspectives in northern Canadian Aboriginal communities
CG Jardine, AD Boyd, CM Furgal
Gender, Place & Culture 16 (2), 201-223, 2009
Communicating environmental health risks with Indigenous populations: A systematic literature review of current research and recommendations for future studies
AD Boyd, CM Furgal
Health communication, 2018
" Placing" Energy Development in a Local Context: Exploring the Origins of Rural Community Perspectives
AD Boyd, TB Paveglio
Journal of Rural and Community Development 10 (2), 2015
Connections between community and emerging technology: Support for enhanced oil recovery in the Weyburn, Saskatchewan area
AD Boyd
International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control 32, 81-89, 2015
Media representations of water issues as health risks
AM Mayeda, AD Boyd, TB Paveglio, CG Flint
Environmental Communication 13 (7), 926-942, 2019
Alzheimer's disease knowledge among American Indians and Alaska Natives
M Jernigan, AD Boyd, C Noonan, D Buchwald
Alzheimer's & Dementia: Translational Research & Clinical Interventions 6 (1 …, 2020
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