William A. Romero R.
William A. Romero R.
Research Engineer at CARTIGEN (Université de Montpellier)
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MRI of reperfused acute myocardial infarction edema: ADC quantification versus T1 and T2 mapping
K Moulin, M Viallon, W Romero, A Chazot, N Mewton, K Isaaz, P Croisille
Radiology 295 (3), 542-549, 2020
Plataforma de simulación y visualización para el apoyo al análisis y toma de decisiones en proyectos de movilidad urbana
W Romero, JT Hernández, JC Ibarra, S Ordóñez
Revista de Ingeniería, 52-58, 2009
Reproducibility of diffusion tensor imaging (dti) on 12 clinical scanners: Towards validation of cardiac dti sequences
I Teh, W Romero, E Dall’Armellina, D Ennis, PF Ferreira, P Kalra, ...
Proceedings of the 28th Annual Meeting of ISMRM, virtual, 2020
Automated quantification of myocardial infarction using a hidden Markov random field model and the EM algorithm
M Viallon, J Spaltenstein, C de Bourguignon, C Vandroux, A Ammor, ...
Functional Imaging and Modeling of the Heart: 8th International Conference …, 2015
CMRSegTools: An open-source software enabling reproducible research in segmentation of acute myocardial infarct in CMR images
WA Romero R, M Viallon, J Spaltenstein, L Petrusca, O Bernard, L Belle, ...
Plos one 17 (9), e0274491, 2022
Multi-centre evaluation of diffusion tensor imaging (dti) in an isotropic phantom: Towards validation of cardiac dti sequences
I Teh, W Romero, E Dall’Armellina, D Ennis, PF Ferreira, P Kalra, ...
SCMR 23rd Annual Scientific Sessions, 2020
Validation of cardiac diffusion tensor imaging sequences: A multicentre test–retest phantom study
I Teh, WA Romero R, J Boyle, J Coll‐Font, E Dall'Armellina, DB Ennis, ...
NMR in Biomedicine 35 (6), e4685, 2022
Arquitectura Basada en HLA de un Sistema de Simulación Distribuido para Aplicaciones que Apoyan el Análisis de Proyectos de Desarrollo Urbano
WA Romero, JT Hernández
Master’s thesis, Universidad de Los Andes, 2009
Multi-parametric quantitative magnetic resonance imaging of collagen: methodological contributions to the assessment of myocardial fibrosis
WAR Ramírez
Université Claude Bernard-Lyon I, 2022
Exploring DTI Benchmark Databases Through Visual Analytics
WA Romero R, D Althviz Moré, I Teh, J E. Schneider, M Viallon, P Croisille
Computational Diffusion MRI: International MICCAI Workshop, Lima, Peru …, 2021
PRACE DECI (distributed European computing initiative) minisymposium
C Johnson, AV Bochenkova, AA Granovsky, PJ Bond, T Paramo, ...
Parallel Computing: Accelerating Computational Science and Engineering (CSE …, 2014
Media Space for Architecture Studio Courses: Interactive project analysis and discussion in Architecture Studio
R Villazón, WA Romero R, JT Hernández
Simulation and Visualization Platform for Supporting the Analysis and Decision-making in Urban Mobility Projects
W Romero, JT Hernández, JC Ibarra, S Ordóñez
Revista de Ingeniería, 52-58, 2009
Performance Monitoring of the Software Frameworks for LHC Experiments
WA Romero R., JM Dana
Proceedings of the First EELA-2 Conference: Bogota, February 25-27 2009, 461-469, 2009
Infrastructure Design and Implementation for Research Groups Collaboration in Latin America
F De la Rosa, P Figueroa
DAQion: software para un sistema de adquisición de datos en experimentos de física de partículas con tecnología CAMAC
WA Romero Ramírez
Uniandes, 2005
Revisión: Constant of motion, Lagrangian and Hamiltonian of the gravitational attraction of two bodies with variable mass.
D Blanco, WA Romero
Sea 2 (r1), 1, 0
Aproximacion a los problemas Bidding y Procurement en TAC con estrategias Straightfoward Bidding
JC Corena, WA Romero
Plataforma para Juegos en Robotica Movil
WA Romero, F De la Rosa
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