Fabio Vidal
Fabio Vidal
在 estacio.br 的电子邮件经过验证
Periodontal therapy reduces plasma levels of interleukin‐6, C‐reactive protein, and fibrinogen in patients with severe periodontitis and refractory arterial hypertension
F Vidal, CMS Figueredo, I Cordovil, RG Fischer
Journal of periodontology 80 (5), 786-791, 2009
Non‐surgical periodontal treatment reduces cardiovascular risk in refractory hypertensive patients: A pilot study
F Vidal, I Cordovil, CMS Figueredo, RG Fischer
Journal of clinical periodontology 40 (7), 681-687, 2013
Odontogenic sinusitis: a comprehensive review
F Vidal, TM Coutinho, D Carvalho Ferreira, RC Souza, LS Gonçalves
Acta Odontologica Scandinavica 75 (8), 623-633, 2017
Higher prevalence of periodontitis in patients with refractory arterial hypertension: a case–control study
F Vidal, CMS Figueredo, I Cordovil, RG Fischer
Oral Diseases 17 (6), 560-563, 2011
Association between apical periodontitis lesions and plasmatic levels of C‐reactive protein, interleukin 6 and fibrinogen in hypertensive patients
F Vidal, TV Fontes, TVF Marques, LS Gonçalves
International Endodontic Journal 49 (12), 1107-1115, 2016
Cone-beam computed tomography versus digital periapical radiography in the detection of artificially created periapical lesions: A pilot study of the diagnostic accuracy of …
AF Campello, LS Gonçalves, FR Guedes, FV Marques
Imaging science in dentistry 47 (1), 25-31, 2017
Influence of 3 calcium channel blockers on gingival overgrowth in a population of severe refractory hypertensive patients
F Vidal, RC de Souza, DC Ferreira, RG Fischer, LS Gonçalves
Journal of periodontal research 53 (5), 721-726, 2018
Infecção secundária e persistente e sua relação com o fracasso do tratamento endodôntico
MFLS Lacerda, TM Coutinho, D Barrocas, JT Rodrigues, F Vidal
Revista brasileira de odontologia 73 (3), 212, 2016
Dental implants and bone augmentation in HIV‐infected patients under HAART: case report and review of the literature
F Vidal, R Vidal, J Bochnia, RC de Souza, LS Gonçalves
Special Care in Dentistry 37 (3), 150-155, 2017
Oral bacteriome of HIV‐1‐infected children from Rio de Janeiro, Brazil: Next‐generation DNA sequencing analysis
LS Gonçalves, DC Ferreira, NCK Heng, F Vidal, HF Santos, DG Zanicotti, ...
Journal of Clinical Periodontology 46 (12), 1192-1204, 2019
Hepatitis C and pregnancy: an analysis of factors associated with vertical transmission
RVC Gardenal, EA Figueiró-Filho, JL Luft, GLSA Paula, FG Vidal, ...
Revista da Sociedade Brasileira de Medicina Tropical 44 (1), 2011
What is the Role of Staphylococcus Aureus and Herpes Virus Infections in the Pathogenesis of Atopic Dermatitis?
S Saintive, E Abad, D C Ferreira, M Stambovsky, FS Cavalcante, ...
Future microbiology 12 (14), 1327-1334, 2017
Stage II and stage III periodontitis clinical burdens of HIV-1 undergoing antiretroviral therapy
LS Gonçalves, D de Carvalho Ferreira, F Vidal, RC Souza, C Gonçalves, ...
Clinical Oral Investigations, 1-9, 2022
Leukocyte-platelet rich fibrin on the treatment of a large paradental cyst: a novel regenerative approach
FL Heggendorn, C Heggendorn, F Vidal, GC de Carvalho Silva, ...
Blood Coagulation & Fibrinolysis 32 (6), 411-417, 2021
The relationship between secondary and persistent infections and failure of endodontic treatments
MFLS Lacerda, TM Coutinho, D Barrocas, JT Rodrigues, V Fábio
Revista Brasileira de Odontologia 73 (3), 212-217, 2016
Endodontic infection in HIV-infected individuals: An overview.
TV Fontes, FV Marques, LS Gonçalves
Endodontic Practice Today 9 (1), 2015
Development of a novel protocol for digital implant planning using cone beam CTs, scanners and 3D printers: the full digital implant planning protocol
F Vidal, R Vidal
Clin. Oral Implants Res 25 (Suppl 10), 175, 2014
Dental implants in individuals living with HIV‐1: Results from a prospective study in patients undergoing highly active antiretroviral therapy
F Vidal, RV Peres, RC de Souza, C Gonçalves, P Pavan, LS Gonçalves
Special Care in Dentistry 42 (2), 112-119, 2022
Recall rates of patients in endodontic treatments: a critical review
AMP da Silva, CB Lopes, KRV de Azevedo, HTR de Lima Ribeiro, F Vidal, ...
Iranian Endodontic Journal 14 (3), 171, 2019
Influência da periodontite apical nos níveis séricos de marcadores de Proteína C-reativa: revisão da literatura.
TVF Marques, LS Gonçalves, FV Marques
Revista Brasileira de odontologia 72 (1/2), 16, 2016
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